To CPA Hopeful 2013, How did you Far test go?

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  • #185942

    I wrote about my experience in the FAR Experience thread. Let me know how your’s went.

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  • #567649

    Whew! What a long and exhausting day! Just got home….. Had a 2 hour drive each way and traffic was terrible on the way home!!!

    I have NO idea how my exam went, which isn't surprising because that is exactly how my other 3 felt. The first testlet was pretty hard and I think my nerves were getting the best of me. I flagged 8. The 2nd one seemed a little easier which is probably a bad sign but I had the same thing with AUD and REG where I didn't really notice a change in difficulty, flagged 5. 3rd testlet flagged 4. Nothing too surprising except I had a LOT of questions (at least 6) on one particular subject that I hadn't studied as well as I should have.

    The sims were pretty fair but I'm only confident on 1 or 2 of them. 2 of them I wasn't positive on what they even wanted me to do but hopefully I guessed correctly. Took me forever to find the research question and i'm always really good at research but this one was tricky. The first time I looked I picked the closest thing I could find and thank god I had some time to go back to it later because then I finally found it and changed my answer. I will be pretty surprised if I pass but I think I at least have a shot at it. I ALWAYS feel like I bomb the sims and end up surprising myself so we shall see. Its going to be a long week!


    Just had to update this to say I passed with a 76 (whew!!) I'm done! Still can't believe it!

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