Time Expiring

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  • #177118

    I just took FAR for the first time and had time expire on me during the simulations. I had everything filled out, but was using the last seconds to go through and review answers I had entered on each simulation. I did not click the “done” button, and the box popped up that time had expired.

    I am hoping that the exam counts everything I had populated/completed on each simulation, or did I completely lose everything!? Please someone help!

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  • #409215

    Bobcat don't worry. It was saved!! How did it go? I take mine next Saturday.


    Are you sure?? Have you had this happen to you as well? I just tried calling NASBA but they are closed for the day and was told I'd have to call back tomorrow.

    It was my first time taking any section, so that coupled with it being FAR I was expecting to walk in and have an environment similar to the castle levels of old school Mario Bros. trying to dodge fire balls and pits. However, it was rough, but fortunately my weaker areas weren't asked too much and my SIMs weren't that bad except one that completely blind sided me.

    It's frustrating how you study for 20 Study Units and they don't ask a single question from about 3-4 of them. Definitely needed about 20-25 more minutes.

    Can anyone else confirm that I'm in the clear as far as my Simulations counting???


    Per Jeff's 50 things you MUST Know 2011 edition….

    ARGH! I didnʼt click “Done” before my exam time lapsed

    and my session shut down. Did my answers get saved?

    This happens to a lot of people! It happened to me on more than one

    occasion – including my REG exam where I scored a 92. Donʼt worry

    – if you didnʼt click “Done” your exam should have still been saved.


    Thanks Audrey! So, how do you feel about the exam coming up? The day before I skimmed through my notes a bit and really shut it down early and went out for a good meal.

    How was BEC? I think I'm going to attempt to take on REG next but I hate the limbo of waiting on your exam results in deciding whether to re-study for a section or move on to another.


    I am reviewing notes and doing lots of MCQ's (Averaging 80%). I am trying to stay calm, but it's not working 🙂 BEC was more information that I expected but a lot more interesting than FAR! The wait is not fun. I take my exam on the last day of the window but I am not sure if I will get my score with that testing window. It depends if they summit test results daily. I will ask that question after my test. What study course did you use?


    Gleim. I was debating between that or CPAExcel and decided to go with Gleim due to its long standing reputability. You know I ran across the “Roger CPA Review” videos on YouTube and thought his lectures were really good. He's a little irratic and over stimulating, but I think it lends itself to the material sticking. His nemonics are pretty funny to watch.

    I couldn't sleep too well the night before the exam. I think I was just in shock when I first sat down from the exam from just straight nerves of it being my first attempt at any section. May 6th is the score release date, but I have read from multiple sources on here it's the business day prior to the published release date (so May 3rd – Friday).

    I'm going to Vegas May 9th so wouldn't that be a sweet way to kick off my vacation to get that magic 75!


    They did get saved! and even if they didn't, when I took far, I left only one hour for sims (huge mistake) and left 2 completely blank and got a 73! I'm sure you passed!

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