Thoughts on the Day Before the Exam

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  • #1654052

    So I sit for FAR for the first time tomorrow. I have been studying since June and really heavily reviewing and going through things the last 3 weeks, however today the day before the exam I feel like my brain is mush and can’t seem to get things straight. I am thinking of just relaxing today and not even looking at my notes. I don’t want to worry myself. I feel like what I know I know and if I don’t know it I am not going to know it in a day! Anxiety at an all time high and having trouble focusing while at work….hence why I have turned to creep through another71 comments!

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  • #1654057

    yup, normal. I'd review notes but call it a day earlier than usual. get good sleep and good luck!


    Review notes. Don't do any new problems! As someone that suffers from testing induced anxiety, things that have helped me recently include:

    1. exercise
    2. prayer
    3. cheerful music

    Try to finish studying early today and relax for the rest of the evening. Let us know how it goes!

    BEC = 72 (6/08/16)
    FAR = ?
    REG = ?
    AUD = ?


    My thoughts are

    ” I will score a 75 on that exam and then right after the exam score with cute Prometric girl”.

    Don't tell me that none you guys had these thoughts before. That goes
    for ladies too! 😉


    Lol the Prometric girl is pretty cute for a MILF.


    I don’t even care about the Prometric girls. I just want to get the hell out of that place ASAP because I feel like a lab rat while I’m there! Lol. But, there are a few cute Prometric chicks. I never even realized it until now because I am so focused going into that damn place. Haha.



    Interesting, I have met no attractive people at a Prometric center, ever:) All I ever think about on the day of the exam is about how it's all going to be over in 4 hours and I am going to have a drink or 3! I wouldn't do any heavy studying the night before-it really messes with your confidence level. What you know, you know at this point!


    Today is my “day before the exam”…actually it's the third “day before the exam” for the same exam because I've had to reschedule the same exam TWICE within a one month period because of Prometric technical difficulties.

    When I study I don't take any notes. I just review MCQ and watch the videos or read the book when I need to. I screenshot all the more difficult questions that I miss or am having trouble with. All the screenshots are automatically saved to a folder that saves to cloud storage so I can access it on any device. Those are my notes.

    The day before (like today) I review all those screenshots which is usually about 100 of them. Then on exam day, I will do a quick run through of them again just to keep me fresh.

    Why does this tactic help? (1) Because my long term memory isn't as good as my short term memory and (2) Because these 100 screenshots are the 100 MOST DIFFICULT questions I came across during all my study sessions

    No hand writing notes, no cheesy mnemonics, no panicking or feeling stressed out. All I have to do is swipe to the next screenshot image on my smartphone like they are notecards. It's that easy 😀

    PS @BlueCollarNerd I agree with the lab rat thing. I actually hate the feeling. The Prometric people are usually very stiff and have no personality.

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