Thoughts Needed on FAR Exam

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  • #194433

    I need opinions.

    I lost track of my NTS date expiration and realized I had 2 weeks to prepare for FAR.

    I sat for it today and overall I felt the test was pretty easy. I maybe questioned myself on 14 questions on the MC but since I had very little time to prepare, I was not able to use my time well and gave myself very little time with the SIMS.

    I had 7 sims and I was able to get something down for every question except the research task question. I actually had to guess on majority of 1 sim and maybe completed one in total. I had a lot of journal entries, but because of my time constraints for studying, I wasn’t able to insert all my debits and credits. The examiners will be able to see that my journal entry accounts was on the right track and my knowledge of the material is there but did not have enough time finish all the questions.

    But my question is….if I did well on MC and wasn’t able to put in a solid effort on SIMS but had something down for majority of them except 1, what do you think my chances are passing under the circumstances?

    I know that is a difficult guess because exams are so unpredictable but I was curious. I notice some people here said they was able to put answers down for half of the SIMS before but was still able to pass. If I have to take it again no problem but I am at the finish line so I was hoping to have a little luck on my side for this one. TIRED OF STUDYING LOL

    AUD 86

    BEC 77

    REG 79

    FAR (June 9 Score Release)

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  • #668119

    There is always a chance. Check out the psychometrics on the AICPA website fore details on scoring

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    Alright thanks. Hopefully something I was able to pull through


    Sbirge24, I took the FAR test yesterday; expecting scores around June 9, as well. I was feeling pretty confident after the MCQ's, though I know there were some that I missed. I had about 1 hr 45 mins for the SIMS, which I thought would be enough, but I spent too much time on the first two, then had the research question (which I'm not confident I got completely right), and the last 3 or 4 SIMS were tough. I got a little panicky as I looked through each one- eyeing the clock- trying to pick the easiest. I realized I wasn't comfortable with any of them. Feeling overwhelmed, I actually thought about walking out, but I took a deep breath, gathered my marbles, and worked through all of them. Got to the end of the very last one and I ran out of time. I was happy I had pretty much finished it and felt like I had a fighting chance. But I know I didn't do the last one exactly right because I didn't have time. I just did what I could and, though none of my answers were guesses, I ‘m not that confident on 3 or 4 of the SIMS. I really have no idea if I passed or not. I did learn that if I have to take it again, I'll try to give myself more time to complete the SIMS, and also a little more studying time on those. They were brutal! Good luck to you!



    I feel exactly the same way. I had less than and hour & 30 minutes for the SIMS. I spent too much time on the first 2 and I didnt have a chance with the research. I ran out of time and guessed partly with one part of a SIM and answered other parts.

    After thinking about it, I feel like I answered 4 with solid answers but I do not believe my answers are correct. One thing I wish they will adjust with the SIMS is removing fill in answers. I couldn't remove accounts on journal entries, I approach the SIM incorrectly and panicked.

    Hopefully I pulled a miracle, if not I am ready to take it again. Good luck to you also.

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