Tested for FAR

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  • #1774639

    Hi everyone!

    I’ve been waiting to post on this site for sometime now – wanted to do it after I sat for one part to #1) share some insight and #2) help anyone else on this journey.

    For months now, I have been studying for FAR. I started with Wiley CPA, but really got lost in the software. The syllabus was just too daunting and the daily tasks just did not work for me. So I switched a few weeks into study to Becker and started from the beginning. I noticed a difference right away. Becker is much more streamlined and gives you the facts and nuggets you need to within the different concepts. I did use Wiley lectures as a supplement for topics that I either needed much deeper insight into or more detail. Wiley does a really great job to cover Pensions. Totally easy to understand.

    From my perspective, the FAR test (or the version) I got was very doable. That’s not to say that I feel like I passed – I don’t. I am pretty sure I bombed the second testlet, which was much more difficult that the first. ALOT of what I studied did not show up in the exam – but its a gamble, you don’t know what will show up. There was maybe 3 or 4 big topics within the MCQ’s, but the SIMS were all over. I thought the SIMS were manageable too – which also makes me sure that I did not pass.

    It’s pretty disheartening to think of all the work that went into prepping – and not passing. But, if that does happen. I am VERY confident that going back through the material a second time will most certainly nail a passing score. And this is all part of the process. No reason to get down on yourself – at the end of the day. It’s just an exam. It does not define you as a person or yourself worth – at all. How you treat people and care for one another does…..

    Anyway, we shall see – two months to wait.

    As for motivation. Over the course of the last two months. I scoured this site for insight, wisdom on studying tactics, anything that would get me through the process. And I always found some really good posts. The best advice I guess I can leave you with is – SLOW and steady. Really spend the time to understand the “why” behind the accounting. Don’t just memorize. The likelihood of seeing a MCQ or question that requires memorization is null. You must know the concepts. Manage your time. Get really good at reading quickly, extracting information you need to answer a question. I spent way too much time doing the MCQ’s on the test. If I had practiced a bit more with my speed I would have been able to spend more time on the SIMS (I partially completed one SIM due to time).

    And last but not least – its doable. It just requires some grit, focus and practice. That’s all.

    Good luck to all of you!

    On to Audit!

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  • #1774671

    Your 2nd testlet got harder that’s good . You did 7 SIMs 100%
    That’s awesome.
    Don’t know why you have doubts?


    I took FAR last Tuesday and thought the entire exam was very fair. I'm glad to hear someone had a similar experience. All I see on here are war stories about how FAR sims were “out of left field” and “crazy”. Who knows, maybe I have a failing score coming my way as well.

    REG: 60, RETAKE MAY 2016
    FAR: AUG 2016
    AUD: APR 2016


    I took the FAR earlier this month too. I would also agree that overall it was fair. I do have an issue with some of their TBS questions. Seems like they make them overly complicated and wordy considering the time constraints. However, I wasn't balling my eyes out in the car after taking the exam. Hope we all find out that we passed in June. Good Luck!!


    Everyone has doubts their first time taking a section, especially if it's FAR. I thought I might have failed mine, even. I'm betting you passed OP.


    @Tim what was your strategy when studying Far. I’m using Gleim too and I’m planning to take the exam on 6/8. I’m still on unit 11 of the book out of 20. Did you do all the McQ per unit? Please some advice.


    Per Bluprints, only leases require journal entries. For any one who took FAR recently, were there more sims requiring journal entries?


    I just got out of FAR, and must say I have mixed feelings. First, the MCQ weren't too bad, overall fair. 2nd testlet for sure got harder, always a good sign. But then TBS.. another story. I feel like they absolutely over complicate things by having 8 different documents to sift through, often times with DRS questions, reading and understanding the matter takes more time than actually doing the analysis to answer the questions. I walked out frustrated, as I'm typically hard on myself. Out of the 8 TBS, there were 5 DRS SIMS. 5! Unreal. The new format is far and beyond more difficult than the old format. Didn't even attempt the last one, there was no time. And the SIM before it I had to wing it more or less,, just no time left.

    I'm pretty strong with cash flows but there was one part of the sim where I wasn't sure. Is it possible that one transaction affect 2 different sections of cash flow??

    Also — what are the chances at passing if you didn't finish SIMS? I'm surely praying that the last one, the one I didn't finish, the longest one of them all, was a pre-test.

    Still want to become a CPA? Idk, I'm def re-thinking after today. I have AUD June 9, we'll see how this one goes..


    Oh also — not one single journal entry question, not one single Bonds question, 1 lease question.. these are areas you'd expect to be tested.. pretty frustrated that they weren't. Barely any equity questions..


    Fk122 your second testlet got harder and you solved 7 SIMs .too good man. 5 DRS ? never heard before.


    I took FAR yesterday shew was it rough. I spent probably about 150 hours preparing over the last month and a half and answered around 2700 MCQs on Gleim and NINJA and honestly feel like it's somewhat likely that I failed. This was my second attempt at FAR after a 74 last year which was before the big format change in April I did NOT realize until Sunday how dramatic the effect of the simulations being split into 3 different testlets would be until I started working on them. Now to jump into REG tomorrow for my first attempt at that one June 10th to hopefully be done with this thing on June 27th (honestly having to hope for a “surprise pass” though for FAR unfortunately).



    I took FAR last month and had to completely skip on TBS in testlet 4. I was always behind in time for taking too much time with the MCQs but I read that TBS about 5 times and look at the numerous documents attached and said “screw it.” I moved on to my last testlet. I'm also taking multiple test this quarter. I got a feeling that the website might crash on June 27th.


    Take it today, it might be smooth-sailing. Take it tomorrow, and it probably won't be. CPA exams are like the weather – entirely impossible to predict until you're sitting there and taking it.

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