Terrible MCQ experience

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    I took FAR on Feb 29th, and my experience with the MCQ was odd and terrible…

    From my past experience with REG, the MCQs are more conceptual than having you grind out numbers and pull out your hair..

    But when I took FAR recently my MCQ were all a paragraph long.. And had many obscure concepts. I know govt and NFP is usually heavily tested but I probably got 2 or 3 questions in total. I know the usual scheme of things is that if you do well on your first testlet they bump it up to a more difficult one, and usually you could tell. But I was wondering how could you tell if the questions are necessarily more difficult?

    I’m having trouble figuring out if I had terrible luck or not. Because all my questions were ridiculously long and difficult to understand. It almost felt like I was taking the reading section of the SATs.. Haha

    Any advice would help, March 9th needs to come quicker..

    Thanks, fellow Ninja’s!

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    All of them were that way? Do you really mean that, or did it just feel that way because you got more than you expected?

    Having taken it twice, I always assumed I was at a hard testlet when the questions got wordy since the first testlet always had short questions.

    FAR - 80

    Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.

    -John Wayne


    Haha to be honest, most of them were ridiculously wordy. Definitely harder than what I did with Ninja or Becker, and I worked through every question for Ninja..

    When comparing all the testlets, I'd say the “wordiness” of each testlet was the same; lots of reading comprehension lol



    I took it on 2/28 and had a extremely similar experience. However, I had 40% of my test focus on Government, Non for profit and IFRS. All very wordy questions, I never had that before.


    @docholliday, yeah it was extremely strange for me haha. My exam was practically F10.. it was so strange.

    Best of luck to you!



    Mine was focused on 8 and 9. Everything was sprinkled very sparsely besides IRFS, I got hit hard on those. Best of luck to you also.



    Based off what my friends had and other Ninja's I thought that F8&9 would be heavily tested so I prepared for it and pretty much mastered it.. But then having 2-3 questions in total for my actual exam really made me feel unlucky haha.

    I really don't know what to do if I have to retake it. I'm not sure if I'd get thrown something like what I had on 2/29 or continue focusing on F8-9. I wish the AICPA was more transparent with their exam guidelines.


    I'm wondering how op did. I had the same experience but with my 3rd testlet.

    FAR - 1st Attempt - Waiting for Score 8/4/16
    AUD - TBD
    REG - TBD
    BEC - TBD

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