So close, yet so "FAR" away!!

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  • #193729

    Argggghhh!!! Got my score from my April 8th test today….I had the feeling I didn’t pass right after I got through with the exam and was thinking probably low 60s at best. I ended up getting a 70, and I know it’s going to be because of the SIMS!! I told myself this was the last time I was going to attempt FAR and just move on (already have Auditing scheduled for the end of the month) and start with REG or BEC sometime in August…..but now I think I have to give FAR one more shot while most of the information is still somewhat retained in my brain.

    Good luck to you all that are getting your scores today, hope you all pass!

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  • #664284
    Determined CPA

    Since you don't have other parts passed yet and aren't at risk of losing a part, I recommend staying with FAR until you pass it. It's hard to jump around. 70 is close! You will get his next time!!

    A - 75
    B - 78 God is good.
    F - 77 Answered prayers.
    R - 84! Done!!

    Paperwork sent - waiting for license!!
    Still on a cloud and in shock. Through God, all things will happen.


    I got 67… Really hope could get some advise from people got 60+ first time and then pass it later. How to raise another 10-15 points. Good luck! Jerseyjay! Hope you find a way suit for you to improve your score!!


    Failed FAR the second time! I made a 73 last time & a 74 this time!! I used Becker and Ninja MCQ's. But my Becker software has expire and NINJA will expire in a month. Plus I still have BEC to finish. I'm studying BEC now and I'm about halfway through it. Should I keep working on BEC or jump back in FAR? Any suggestions on study material,,,,,,,,..Ninja? Becker Final Review?


    I would recommend staying with FAR until you pass. I was so convinced I had failed for the second time that I started studying for AUD and then stopped in preparation for the failing score. I learned last night that I had actually passed and I regret loosing all these weeks of study.

    The only change I had from my first attempt was adding the Ninja Audio and listening to Jeff over and over 🙂

    I had a AUD exam scheduled for end of this month. I am debating if I should just study as much as I can and take it as scheduled praying for a miracle or just re-schedule for July.

    Good luck to all!


    Thank you CPAbefore40, I forgot to add that my Audit score will expire in October! So I am concerned about completing BEC in time too. But FAR is the beast of the exams for me so I might tackle it then worrying about BEC


    I think I'm going to schedule FAR for the middle of July. Hopefully I'll pass Auditing in a few weeks (failed that my first time too, but my trending scores on Ninja are much better than what they were before). I feel if I can pass Auditing this go round, give myself 6 weeks beginning the first week of June to prep for FAR again, I should be able to pass it this go round. Then, I'd have the two “most difficult” sections knocked in a span of about two months and then focus on REG and BEC for early Oct/late Nov.

    Sorry to see some of you other folks didn't pass today….keep fighting the good fight, we'll all get there!

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