Slow reader..any tip..??

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  • #194439

    I’m a very slow reader.

    I admit that my first language is not English — though it’s supposed to be as I was born here… I’ve lived almost entire my life reading english ever since I was in elementary school…

    As I was studying for FAR, my reading speed troubled me.. “what if I read at this pace during the exam., if not, slower due to anxiety..?”

    Today, I took the exam and I ran out of time as expected. I don’t even remember how many SIMs I left out blank. I think it was two or three. Two of the SIMs had about a page long length information which I was completely overwhelmed to read through…MCQ was strange. My first testlet was absolutely difficult and my last two were EASIER!!?!! But that’s off topic, i guess.

    Anyways..due to my slow reading ability (and focus problem — slight adhd), I have to read atleast three time to register information into my head. When I was studying for the exam, I measured around 1 minute to read 3-4 sentence problem..

    I use Roger CPA Review, and he gives out an advice to read last sentence first. However, it did not do much help for me.

    If anyone else have similar problem like I have.. please help me…

    If I try to read faster, I just don’t understand what I’m reading… If I read slower, time runs out… I tried to practice reading faster, but it just doesn’t work..

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  • #668240

    @fyun89 I understand your frustration with the time. It takes me multiple times to read to able to understand the question as well. English is my second language too BUT you have to sometimes decide to read faster and quicker to solve questions without doubting yourself. You have to run a cost benefit analysis on whether to sometimes even save time by guessing MC because you have 1/4 chance of getting it right While having sometime to work on the simulation. Simulations can be overwhelming but a determining factors in passing the CPA.

    Hope this help and Good Luck

    AUD-01/19/15- PASSED! FIRST TRY
    REG-05/28/15- PASSED! FIRST TRY
    BEC-07/11/15- Scheduled
    FAR-08/31/15- Not Scheduled


    Quitting is NOT in my dictionary. I will rise one day as a proud CPA...


    @fyun89….English is my first language also, and I too read slow. I have to read things over and over multiple times in order to comprehend what I'm reading and there are times that I do re-read and still don't fully understand. I just pray before I start studying and do the best that I can. So my advice to you is just to do your best and God will do the rest. Moses had a problem leading the israelites. Jeremiah couldn't look people in their faces while prophesying to them and God told him to close his eyes. My point is not to give a bible lesson but to show how they did what they could and was successful in leading people during their respective times. Start looking at it in a different perspective. Do the best you can so that in the end you can say you passed with God's help, not that it was easy but because you persevered against all odds. You can do this!!!!!!!!

    On my way to a CPA


    reading speed isn't related to the tongue..

    it's a matter of skill .. try to improve your reading skills, then enjoy reading faster.

    all the best.


    Thank you all for very kind words.. I was completely away from all this for last two days to get energized. Now I'm starting to study for REG just in case I passed the FAR exam … I hope.

    I guess I will have to work harder somehow..

    @lilbro2 I think you're right about sometimes I will need to guess on MC. As I was studying for FAR, I saw so many wordy problems with hidden traps (for example, when they're asking for “EXCEPT” or “NOT”) that I was worried I may misunderstand the question if I read too fast. During practice exam, I missed many question because I skimmed through..

    But it seems that I will need to make cost benefit judgement..

    For those who haven't taken the exam yet, I've seen many questions with more than 5 sentence problems on M/C part and I had a 5 paragraph C/F simulation question that destroyed me.

    Be prepared for anything…

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