Retake FAR strategy – advice needed please.

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  • #820317

    I got another 71 and have to restudy FAR. So devastated..

    I’ve studied with Bisk and went over their MCQs 3times. Didn’t use Ninja MCQ much.
    Because I thought NINJA MCQs were too difficult comparing to actual ones(or released questions) and asked too much details. (I believed/wished that actual exam would not ask too detailed questions)

    I had 3stronger/2weaker on Conceptual framework, NFP) and weaker on Sims.
    I would be less surprised if got weaker on other topics than conceptual framework and NFP.

    Now some people gave me good advice that especially for Sims I should know all Journal entries so spend more time on them and do Ninja MCQs.

    So I am going to use Ninja MCQ for my 3rd try. What are your thoughts? (No more Bisks)

    And when you use Ninja MCQs how can you get trend %? I see there are two study sections
    1. MCQ 2 Custom+Sims. Both of them give you % but sometime it’s % on specific topics you just studied. What to do in order to get trend%?

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