Question for those who took the FAR before

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  • #194164

    Based on experience, was time ever a problem? For those that took it multiple times, how was it the first time compared to other times? According to Roger, I should spend about 45 minutes for each of the 30 MCQ parts. This leaves about 15 minutes for each of the 7 sims.

    I am doing NINJA MCQs and sometimes I take an hour just to do 10 questions. But I know this is due to several factors that won’t happen on the real exam such as.

    – I take my time reading the question

    – If I get a question wrong, I spend time figuring out why

    – The number of theory based questions to calculation questions are not proportional to how it would be on the real exam

    And I don’t feel like pressuring myself with time because I am at a learning/reviewing phase. I rather spend the time learning and remembering than rushing through the MCQs.

    But seriously though, some of the NINJA questions are really long and messy. They give a whole bunch of dates and numbers and percentages and I’m just like @_@.

    FAR 85 June 2015
    AUD 80 Nov 2015
    REG 83 Nov 2015
    BEC 79 Feb 2016

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  • #666521

    I made sure I stayed on a strict schedule for MCQs. About 40 min for each max. I ended up having about 2 hrs for sims. Sometimes it's not beneficial on the exam to analyze each question for a long time. If you're spinning wheels on a problem, flag it and come back to it. In the end if you can't figure it out make an educated guess.

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC


    I have never taken FAR, so I may not be much help. I am currently reviewing for FAR and sitting in 9 days (!!!!!).

    I am not trying to be discouraging, but an hour for 10 questions seems like a long time. I guess that is understandable if you are reviewing in depth why the answers are wrong.

    As you get closer to your exam maybe the best approach would be to time yourself on sets of 30 (review the questions after completing them all). Also, taking practice exams might be beneficial as well.

    When do you sit for FAR?


    On my first run through of questions, it took a while but the next time through it sped up quite a bit. 45 minutes per testlet is a good idea but remember, flagging questions means you go back and is extra time and also if you use the restroom the clock is still ticking.

    On the FAR exam, I finished testlet 1 in 35 min then took a little extra for 2 and 3. I felt rushed going into the sims but had 20 minutes at the end even after reviewing sims. You should try a simulated exam to make sure your timing is good for exam day.

    Journey Started - January 2015
    FAR - 4/2015 - Passed
    AUD - 7/2015 - Passed
    BEC - 8/2015 - Passed
    REG - 11/12/2015 - Passed


    I finished FAR about an hour and a half early, but I always did the MCQs quickly and then gave myself a lot of time to research and really think through the sims.

    BEC 87 Feb 14
    REG 84 Apr 14
    FAR 82 Nov 14
    AUD 86 Feb 15


    I sat FAR last month and took a little under 2 hours for MCQ. Gave me enough time for a quick break before SIMS. Getting to the point where you can rip through MCQs quickly is very important. I study like you – I do MCQs to learn concepts, which takes longer than how I'd perform on the test. When I hit review phase is where I can move through them at a much faster pace.

    Did this work for me? We'll find out 5/27.

    B 85 Aug 2015
    A 81 Jan 2015
    R 78 May 2015
    F 76 Jul 2015


    So it looks like no one had problem with the time? I guess I should be good too then?

    FAR 85 June 2015
    AUD 80 Nov 2015
    REG 83 Nov 2015
    BEC 79 Feb 2016



    I was definitely slow starting out. It was taking me at least 45 minutes to get through 15 questions. I would suggest keep plugging away and MCQ. As you become more familiar with the calculations your efficiency should increase. I always take a practice test. I know some people see them as a waste of time, but I do them just to make sure my timing is on target. I finished FAR with about 20 minutes remaining.

    I hope this helps!

    REG- 10/27/14 - 80
    AUD- 01/17/15 - 93
    FAR- 05/11/15 - 81
    BEC- 08/02/15 - 85


    Took FAR last Friday and yes, Timing is KEY! I got caught up on a few MCQ, and only left myself with about 70mins for the SIMS. I was only able to finish 5 of SIMS and then just randomly put in answers for the final two SIMS. If I failed the exam that would definitely have been my weakness. I had to rush through the 5 SIMS I was able to finish.

    AUD: (65)(66) 77
    REG: (66) (48) destroyed me mentally.....
    FAR: (68) (66)(69)(71)
    BEC: (63) 75

    "Greatness is not some precious thing, it is no more unique to us than breathing. We are ALL capable of it."


    Time wasn't a problem, but for the 3 test I've taken it was the one I had to be conscious of the most.

    From my experience, I didn't see really lengthy MCQs. The SIMS could have a lot of information but nothing too crazy.

    I think you'll be surprised how fast you actually answer the questions. After studying for so long I had built up in my mind that each question was going to be a brutal calculation and for me that wasn't the case.

    Stick to the plan you have outlined above and you'll be just fine.

    FAR - 91
    REG - 88
    AUD - 98
    BEC - 88

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