Progress Exams

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  • #178712

    Hi all,

    I didn’t do progress exams at all during my first 5 chapters how much will this hurt me?


    "Live your Best Life"

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  • #425955

    No…they are just repeats of the questions you already did. If you are having trouble remembering everything do them, but if not they are not critically important.


    I thought they were extremely important.

    I would do 10 questions from every chapter (so after 5 you should be doing 50) in an effort to keep everything fresh.

    Whenever you get completely done, you can always go back and do a bunch of them to make sure. I would break it down into 2 chapters at a time (20 questions…10 from chapter 1 and 10 from chapter 2, etc). If I did well on those, I wouldn't spend time on those chapters. If I didn't do well, I would go back and redo the actual homework from the stuff I didn't do well on.


    I don't do any while covering my initial run through the material. Then a few days before test day, I will do progress tests with 30 questions from a single section. (ie: A1, A2, A3, etc..) This not only allows me to determine weak spots, but gives me a decent amount of practice with each section.

    Best of luck.


    Thanks for the feedback it really helped 🙂


    "Live your Best Life"

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