Probably failed FAR – Should I start to restudy?

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  • #832747

    Well hey everyone.. I just took FAR on Thursday and I am 99.9% sure that I failed. I could not notice any difference between the three sections of the MCQ. I feel I worked through the first one within 40 minutes (I have always been told to slow down and read the question – so I made sure I did this.) I opened up the second sections and there was no – OH CRAP this problem is long. Although, there were a TUN of computations and very specific computations, but nothing that was not seen before. There were a lot of questions that were similar to the first testlet, but not shown nice and formatted way to show you everything you need. The same questions were formed into a few sentences. Random facts in about 3-4 sentences. I hope I am making sense. I ended up taking this section for about an hour, but did flag a huge amount. Now, the time has began to run thin. I ended up rushing through the last testlet to allow for an hour for the SIMS, which is what I really didn’t want to do.

    So, the SIMS. I am pretty sure I was able the get the research question and I was able to complete 2 others that I am pretty sure I got 60-70 percent right. Although, one I filled in all zeros. Honestly, I don’t remember a thing about the rest of them and the other aspects of the exam. I have always been know to zero in and focus and emotionally let got and think practical. So, I tend to not remember everything, but only a few aspects.

    That is my dramatic story and my husband is going nuts listening to me. I am hoping that I passed, but I am pretty sure I didn’t. So, I was going to take the weekend off and start to study for FAR again on Monday. Is there a chance of passing? Or should I just suck it up and start over? OR should I start studying for AUD?

    If you just took a section this pass week, how do you feel?

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  • Author
  • #832771
    Valar Dohaeris

    No, don't start studying. 9/20 isn't too far away. Maybe you passed. Give yourself a break. I mean you just put in a lot of effort and actually sat for a hard exam, that's something worth celebrating and taking it easy on yourself this weekend. If YOU want to keep studying, go for it. Accounting is fun. lol Seriously though, I would spend MAYBE an hour a day studying FAR material until you find out your score. And reviewing the textbook would be the extent of my studying.

    I took FAR in July, and I put in a lot of diligent effort studying over 3 weeks. I described my experience as this “I walked up to the school bully and punched him three times. Then, he kicked the crap out of me”. Basically, I nailed the first testlet, but felt the next 2 and Sims just killed me. I was very very concerned I didn't pass. I knew I would be close if I failed, but low and behold, I earned a 83.

    If I understand, I echo your concerns about the lengthy worded MCQs AND Sims. They really need to figure out how to be more concise on the Sims instructions. There are paragraphs of instructions and facts in the Sims at times. It's ridiculous.

    BEC - 85
    AUD - 81
    REG - 84
    FAR - 7/24/16


    With the two the SIM, I basically read the information twice and still didn't know what they wanted. I gave it my best try based on what I BELIEVE they wanted. Hmm, when I walked about of the exam I felt nothing – just numb. No feeling of passing or falling just numb. I cried that night when I began thinking about it. My husband has tried to get me to do something, but I am devastated that I probably failed. I worked non stop for over one and a half months. I am going to take your advice and begin going over the book to keep it fresh. You made me feel a little better, but as an accountant I am trying to analyze the situation & it is annoying that it is out of my control. you know? – LOL!


    You have to remember that 75 on the CPA exam does NOT mean 75% correct. I think 75 means about 50% correct.

    Then you have a whole bunch of questions that don't count towards your score. One of your simulations is pretest and 15 out of 90 MCQs are pretest. Then say if you get a hard testlet you get more points for each correctly answered question than you would for questions in a medium testlet.

    I was in a foul, foul mood after my FAR exam. Probably 1 out of every 3 or 4 MCQs, I was like…hmmmm not sure, I guess this one…who the hell knows? I ran out of time and left one simulation blank and completely f'ed up another simulation. Two others went pretty crappy too. I even had trouble with the research simulation. Wasted probably over 15 minutes on it and still wasn't sure if I found the right answer. I couldn't tell if the 2nd or 3rd testlets were more difficult or not. They took more time to finish though than the 1st testlet. To my surprise I got 88.

    FAR - June 2016 - 88
    REG - July 2016 - 89
    AUD - Aug 2016 - review phase currently
    BEC - Sep 2016 -

    Wiley CPA Excel & Ninja MCQ


    Agree! As much as people say it – if you are sure you failed, you probably passed! I was 110% sure I failed FAR as well, and was going to start restudying as soon as I took it. I had medium, medium, hard testlets. By the second one I was contemplating walking out since they were so difficult!

    Anyway, I decided to wait and give myself a break until the score release date – and a miracle happened and I passed with an 83. Had to check about 10 times to make sure I was seeing the score correctly. So you should definitely let your brain relax and sit tight, it really is such a mystery how these things are graded. Good luck and stay positive!!

    A - 76
    B - 80
    F - 74 🙁


    Thank you everyone for such positive feedback. I am going to sit tight and try not to think about it too much. Easier said then done right?!


    I'm kind of in the same boat. Took FAR yesterday. Pretty confident I failed. Due to work constraints, I wasn't able to get through gov't accounting, just had to cut and run. Of course it was all over my test and in 2 of my sims.

    This was my last part and I'm so disappointed that my work schedule didn't allow me the study time I needed to get through the material. I'm taking the weekend off but will probably browse through the material once a day through the score release to at least keep the material fresh in my mind. Once I see how bad I did I can formulate a plan for what to do next. But you never know, there could be a miracle. 😀

    Also, I did notice my testlets went easy/medium > medium/hard > medium. Sims weren't horrible….but vintage CPA exam where you know the material but what they're asking for is so vague you're not sure what to do. I HATE THAT.


    In my opinion, you should immediately start studying your next section. Don't waste a week and a half. Dive into Audit like you know you passed.

    I just passed my final section and I never once felt confident leaving the Prometric Center.

    FAR 04/11/2016 - 84
    AUD 05/12/2016 - 79
    BEC 07/06/2016 - 81
    REG 08/29/2016


    Had the same experience as you woth the mcq….had no clue but made educated guesses on the sims…was 100% sure i failed and i passed with a 76

    Reg seemed to be going good…did ok on sims was confident i would get in the late 70s low 80s

    Got a 73

    You really never know with these exams. Just wait and see how u did imo

    FAR (5/31) PASS (Best birthday gift ever!)

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