Please help with FAR. I failed twice

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  • #176639

    Hi all,

    I am studying very hard for FAR but I don’t know why I failed. My first exam was 63 then I retake a few weeks ago and it was 59. I feel pretty good after the exam but I can’t believe my score was that bad. I got becker and becker final review. I feel like I fail because of the simulation. Becker doesn’t provide enough practice on simulation. Anyone can suggest any other material for LOTS OF SIMULATION Practice?

    Thank you so much for your kind response.

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  • #404853

    The wiley test bank (which can be purchased on Another 71 at a great price either in part or entire test bank) has about 40 sims, the Wiley book (about $35) has a little over 150 sims and has a packet of 40 sims you could purchase for about $10. The wiley book or test bank would be a great source of additional study questions and sims.


    When I failed FAR, I was stronger on 2 of 5 categories in MCQ's, comparable on 2, and weaker on 1. I was weaker on the SIMS. I felt like knew the material well enough, but here is what I believe happened (hopefully it may help you) – AUD, REG, and BEC are taught in review courses assuming no prior knowledge. FAR is a different story. If you don't have a strong grasp of the basics like JE's, and the basic flow of transactions into the financial statements, you are more likely to have problems. I took my intermediate accounting classes around 2005. This hurt me. When I restudied for FAR, I decided to go back to the basics. For me, was excellent especially for all the most common JE's and understanding how everything influences the financial statements. Good luck!

    A (05/23/12) 92
    R (07/02/12) 77
    F (08/29/12) 69 Retake 2/27/13 80
    B (10/22/12) 79


    I just passed FAR on my third attempt. I don't have my score report back yet (snail mail state so only have my score from emailing the board) but I know that I passed all because I added the Ninja notes! I rewrote them five times in my own words the week before the test and did 5 different online Wiley practice exams (comes with Roger) scoring 71-81% each time. I believe the key was the ninja notes, which made it so I truly understood the information. I went in with confidence that I could conquer whatever came my way! When I left the test I actually felt as if I didn't do very well on the SIMs but I obviously did something right because I passed!! So i would say as long as you have a really good understanding on everything, you will be able to pass! Good luck and hang in there.

    FAR: PASSED!! 64, 68, 79 on 2/27/13!
    AUD: PASSED!! 73, 93 on 4/5/13!!!
    BEC: PASSED!! 75 (phew) on 5/24/13!
    REG: PASSED!!! 77 on 8/7/13 I AM DONE!!!!!

    Experience: got it!
    Ethics Exam: PASSED on first try (what a waste of money)

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