Please Help – 71, 72, 73 on FAR - Page 3

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  • #182645

    Okay so i’ve been struggling with FAR for a long time now. It’s just getting rediculous, I have gotten a 71, 72 and now a 73 (they have to be screwing with me at this point). I passed REG on the first try and I know I can knock out AUD and BEC once I concur FAR but now I am just stressing. As soon as I found out I failed FAR I payed for my NTS to take the test again. I’m scared to scheudle the actual exam because I want to make sure i’m prepared before taking it and not trying to cram enough time into study with work and everything else.

    On top of it I accepted a new job at a public accounting firm as a senior tax associate, but i cannot move up from there until I have my CPA, obviously with busy season approaching I at least need to knock out FAR now and hopefully AUD before February.

    At this point, I feel like i’m so much in my head and I don’t know how to get my confidence back. For those who were so close to passing FAR and then passed the next time, what did you do differently? I don’t want to waste any time doing anything unnecessary.

    Any help would be greatly appreciatied!

    Thank you!

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  • #508284

    thank you everyone! I think I was just trying to memorize every little detail (which we all know is impossible). I've scored stronger on the sims each time so I have a lot of multiple choice to be practicing. I will probably retake in the next two weeks when i feel like i'm doing well enough on the MCQ's. Hopefully I will get it this time! 🙂


    thank you everyone! I think I was just trying to memorize every little detail (which we all know is impossible). I've scored stronger on the sims each time so I have a lot of multiple choice to be practicing. I will probably retake in the next two weeks when i feel like i'm doing well enough on the MCQ's. Hopefully I will get it this time! 🙂


    This seems odd that you would score high on sims but low on MCQs. You shouldn't schedule your exam again until you have scored at least 80% on all the Wiley test bank MCQs–don't use the actual exam as a diagnostic exam. I am thinking that maybe you got fortunate on sims and miraculously have gotten ones where you are familiar with the content. You may not be so lucky next time so you must have a good foundation on the MCQs. I wrote another post on how I improved my FAR score by 23 points and went from failure to success if you want to check that out..


    This seems odd that you would score high on sims but low on MCQs. You shouldn't schedule your exam again until you have scored at least 80% on all the Wiley test bank MCQs–don't use the actual exam as a diagnostic exam. I am thinking that maybe you got fortunate on sims and miraculously have gotten ones where you are familiar with the content. You may not be so lucky next time so you must have a good foundation on the MCQs. I wrote another post on how I improved my FAR score by 23 points and went from failure to success if you want to check that out..


    @Akkula, I am currently using the Wiley test bank too. When you say 80%, do you mean on each module of the practice questions. When you wrote FAR, was it the practice question you used or the pop quiz? And I noticed that questions are being repeated if I decide to do another set of MCQ. Please can you elaborate more on the approach you used for the MCQs on WTB. Thanks.

    Far - Passed 83
    Aud - Passed 84
    Bec - Passed 77
    Reg- Passed 77


    @Akkula, I am currently using the Wiley test bank too. When you say 80%, do you mean on each module of the practice questions. When you wrote FAR, was it the practice question you used or the pop quiz? And I noticed that questions are being repeated if I decide to do another set of MCQ. Please can you elaborate more on the approach you used for the MCQs on WTB. Thanks.

    Far - Passed 83
    Aud - Passed 84
    Bec - Passed 77
    Reg- Passed 77


    I think that passing this exam requires a lot of luck! You might know material very well, but if you are not a good test taker, then you will take this exam again and again.. unfortunately I'm in this situation right now.

    NYC, NY
    FAR - 82 Jan 2014
    AUD - 86 Apr 2014
    BEC - 77 Aug 2014
    REG - 79 Nov 2014


    I think that passing this exam requires a lot of luck! You might know material very well, but if you are not a good test taker, then you will take this exam again and again.. unfortunately I'm in this situation right now.

    NYC, NY
    FAR - 82 Jan 2014
    AUD - 86 Apr 2014
    BEC - 77 Aug 2014
    REG - 79 Nov 2014


    I always use the Practice Session option where it gives me immediate feedback on if I got the question correct or incorrect. If I got it incorrect, I go to my book or notes and spend time understanding why I got it incorrect. I don't waste my time on Pop Quiz or Take a test option because you can't get the immediate feedback on your answer.

    Your goal should try to make every individual module green on their histogram and devote study time to each individual unit. Once you do that, you can start taking comprehensive tests including all of the modules in your second phase of studying. Finally, review your histogram again to see what areas you may have forgotten and go back and drill those units individually again like you did at the start.


    I always use the Practice Session option where it gives me immediate feedback on if I got the question correct or incorrect. If I got it incorrect, I go to my book or notes and spend time understanding why I got it incorrect. I don't waste my time on Pop Quiz or Take a test option because you can't get the immediate feedback on your answer.

    Your goal should try to make every individual module green on their histogram and devote study time to each individual unit. Once you do that, you can start taking comprehensive tests including all of the modules in your second phase of studying. Finally, review your histogram again to see what areas you may have forgotten and go back and drill those units individually again like you did at the start.


    If I have a problem area I go to YouTube and type in Allen Mursau. His lectures are easy to follow and not that long. It helped last night when I was doing questions out of the wiley test bank for deferred taxes. I got a 55% on my first 20 questions then I watched his video went back and got an 80% on a different set of 20 questions on that subject.

    FAR 62, 66, 78
    AUD 66, 55, 74, 72
    BEC 79


    If I have a problem area I go to YouTube and type in Allen Mursau. His lectures are easy to follow and not that long. It helped last night when I was doing questions out of the wiley test bank for deferred taxes. I got a 55% on my first 20 questions then I watched his video went back and got an 80% on a different set of 20 questions on that subject.

    FAR 62, 66, 78
    AUD 66, 55, 74, 72
    BEC 79




    I'm so excited! Thank you everyone for your advice!!! I did stronger on governmental (never thought that would happen) and comparable on NFP, as always stronger on the simulations! The advice to really try to master governmental and not for proift was great advice!!!

    Thank you everyone so much! I'm half way to a CPA! I already meet all the requirements just need to pass AUD and BEC now. 🙂




    I'm so excited! Thank you everyone for your advice!!! I did stronger on governmental (never thought that would happen) and comparable on NFP, as always stronger on the simulations! The advice to really try to master governmental and not for proift was great advice!!!

    Thank you everyone so much! I'm half way to a CPA! I already meet all the requirements just need to pass AUD and BEC now. 🙂

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