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    I missed one sim (put 0’s) in my recent far exam (waiting score this 19th). I want to know if any of you has passed a section with this format missing one or more sims. Do I still have a chance?

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  • #1676659

    the sims are worth 50% in total, and with 7 graded SIMs, sure if you did well enough on the MCQ and other 6 graded sims it should be totally doable. That sim could have even been a pre-test, you never know.


    I left a huge SIM blank (probably had 15-20 boxes to fill-in) and ran out of time in the middle of changing my research answer so that had to be wrong, and walked out with an 81. I can only assume the SIM I skipped was a pre-test but who knows.


    Thanks both of you. But what if that sim wasn't a pretest and I did well in the other areas? I think that one will still hurt me very badly since its a 50/50 score. What do you think, still have a chance? 🙁


    lola – the simple math of it would lead me to believe yes you still have a chance. Sims are 50% and 7 are graded. Missing 1/7 of 50% of a test shouldnt be an automatic fail. I understand each sim is probably not weighted exactly the same as the others, one could be super lenghty and the other could have one simple JE to enter. That being said. unless you had a really weird test where 1 SIM comprises more than 50% of the overall SIM score, and you happened to leave that one SIM blank, you should be OK.


    Got you TommyTheCat


    I assume that the research questions are worth the less since it's only 1 box?


    I think it would depend on the difficulty of the research question and the % of people who get it correct vs incorrect.
    A question answered wrong by most candidates would be classified as more difficult and thereby be given a higher weight.
    I would imagine most people get the research question correct so overall it probably carries a lower score than most SIMs.


    AICPA grading is the white whale but I've seen posts where people cite responses from the AICPA which state that SIMs are graded in totality i.e. 50 entry boxes, and candidates are scored on how many they fill in correctly. The same post stated that Research is considered as one entry as there is only one complete correct answer.

    However, it really is of no use in trying to guess how you did, which was pre-test etc. because there is no way to really know, at all. Take it from me, I missed 2 SIMs because of time whereas some other people were saying how they had time to go back, check etc. and didn't pass, so I think the difficulty of the test itself plays a big role. Nonetheless, nothing to do about it now but wait, best of luck!


    @Lola23 – I had the SAME exact experience as you. SAME. I used my best guess for 3 answers on the second-to-last SIM (a DRS), and then left the last one almost blank (since this particular sim didn't say anything about zero's. Maybe I should have entered zero's?). I was so sad when I left the exam. Nauseated, in fact. The first MC testlet took me exactly 45 minutes. The second one took me WAY longer…which cost me time on the Sims. It took me about 1 hour 15! I felt good about the MC overall…it just took me forever. So…1.5 sims were left up to chance. I feel like I should just start studying again. I just need to take a few days to spend with my family before I dive back in. It's hard balancing school, work, and family, but I guess that's just another way we are tested. The accomplishment will be that much sweeter when we all finish.


    I made the stupid mistake of not hitting the pause break button and went to the bathroom to relax. When I came back the clock was running. I lost 15 mnts. Probably I could have finish that sim that I had to put 0's. I just hope that was a pretest. It was very lenghty .

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