Partial Credit for Left Side of JE Sims?

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  • #177124

    okay, my calculations were wrong but I am positive that the Left side of the JE is correct. Will I get partial credit for the sim? Rather get a 50% of the Simulation than Zero.

    My exam experience was okay, but man those sims had me. I know I have 1 sim correct and the research question correct. I am not sure about the rest of the sims and I am praying that the Sim I know I have correct is not a Pre-Test Sim.

    AUD 57,{75}
    REG 65,{78}
    FAR 64,68,72,{75}
    BEC 68,{78}
    Becker 1st Time Around in 2010. NOW, Becker MCQ's & Wiley TestBank W/Ninja Notes 2012-2013

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  • #409136

    I would think yes, but in all honesty i don't think anyone, even the person who writes the test, actually knows how it is graded.

    Deep breath you did the best you could and you are going to start studying BEC and in a few weeks (days) hopefully you will see the lovely 75!

    A - 61, 91!!
    B - 78!
    F - 76!!!
    R - 71, 73, 74, 69, 77!!!!

    Finally done!

    This is my 2nd attempt at the exam, I had two parts passed (failed many) and I stupidly quit, big mistake. Now I'm back and with a vengeance!


    @LSNYC. Thanks for the encouragement. I am looking at my FAR notes and the Freaking calculation is right there. AND IT's SO SIMPLE!!! I could kick myself. My concern is, as before, it seems like 90% of my exam was is in one topic which isn't worth much in the %of grading.. Which means if I get one question wrong that's worth a lot of points. It could kill me. Maybe I am thinking to deep into it. With out getting into trouble. I hope it was enough this time. Your right, Next Up BEC!!!!

    AUD 57,{75}
    REG 65,{78}
    FAR 64,68,72,{75}
    BEC 68,{78}
    Becker 1st Time Around in 2010. NOW, Becker MCQ's & Wiley TestBank W/Ninja Notes 2012-2013

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