Not sure if felt too confident FAR

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  • #1422150

    so last time i got a 65 and i came out depressed cried for two days because i knew there was no chance i passed. I didnt have time to finish the Becker chapter 10 nor Not-for-profit nor did i have time to do practice exams and progress tests on my first try.

    This time i studied EVERYTHING and did both becker practice exams got a 68 and a 70.

    I took it yesterday and surprisingly came out at peace and content. Last time i guessed on 5 out of 7 sims and basically put zeros because i ran out of time. This time the testlets got harder/wordier and the sims werent terrible. Two of them i had semi trouble with. I had time to finish and had time to go over them through the AL. I marked maybe 10 multiple choice overall. I felt way better than last time but i am scared to be overly confident. Anyone have a similar experience and passed?

    AUD: 70, 73, 85!
    BEC: - 81!
    REG: - 75!!!!!
    FAR: -

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  • #1422266

    Sounds like you did good. I just knew there was no way I made above a 50 in FAR, somehow got an 86.

    When I took REG and when I finally passed Audit, I knew I had passed those before I hit submit.

    You can't ever tell, but sounds like you did fine.


    wow 86!! thats amazing when you actually thought you got a 50. I am pretty good at knowing whether i failed or pass when i take the exams so hopefully i did get at least a 75.

    AUD: 70, 73, 85!
    BEC: - 81!
    REG: - 75!!!!!
    FAR: -


    I remember walking out of the exam thinking it was easier than I thought it was going to be. I didn't understand why everyone says its so hard. I knew that meant one of two things. One, the questions were tricky and I wasn't catching the trick in the questions. Or, I actually knew all of the material. I ended up passing. Hope you did well. Sounds like you did!


    I took FAR yesterday as well. It was my third attempt. I failed at the second attempt and got 74. I felt like I did better this time. I did not think the exam was easier than I thought but I think I did well enought to pass comparing to the other two times I took FAR. I was confident 3 out of 7 sims. 2 of them I was about 60-70% sure. The last 2 sims I was 50% sure. The second testlet got harder and wordier just like you felt. I hope we did well and pass!

    REG: 77 x2
    BEC: 81 x3
    FAR: 68 retake 10/1
    AUD: 8/27


    @zyx11 how did you feel after coming out of your second attempt?

    AUD: 70, 73, 85!
    BEC: - 81!
    REG: - 75!!!!!
    FAR: -


    First time I took it, I thought I did enough to pass. But I guess my uncertainty with the MCQ was justified. Second time, I breezed through the 1st testlet and felt decent with the 2nd & 3rd. I made an entire SIM blank and kept plugging in zeros when there were 10 seconds left on the clock. Though, I expected to pass but still, you never know. The other SIMs were damn hard too.

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved - Helen Keller


    BEC 80 (10/23/15)
    FAR 72 (4/2/15); 83 (7/11/16)
    REG 52 (4/28/15)
    AUD (9/9/16)

    Roger + NINJA MCQ + WTB


    The test you take and someone else takes is always different. I think sometimes some exams correlate better with what your review course prepares you for with its material and MCQ. What I mean by this is maybe 2 people used Becker for FAR and took the exam the same day and they aren't going to be taking the exact same exam. 1 person might get an exam that looks more like the stuff they saw in Becker and the other person see's a bunch of different stuff. Just comes down to how prepared you are and if you can handle the curveballs. I felt like for my FAR exam I don't see how anyone who used Becker would have been able to successfully do the simulations and get all the journal entries right. Felt like I bombed them overall. I only had confidence in my research question and felt like I bombed the sims. I didn't really feel that great about the MCQ either. Came out out of the exam wanting to throw up. Depressed for a week leading to the score release. And then somehow got an 83 and got stronger in both MCQ and sims.

    Which differed with my experience with REG in which I felt decent coming out with some confidence that my score would be close to passing at least. I felt like my sims were a lot more fair in that one.


    Witty; I got out of my second attempt and didn't think I would pass. I knew I did not do well on sims. I thought my score would have been around 70 but got 74 (it hurt!)I had to quess on sims a lot. This time I felt I knew what I was doing. I was able to analyze questiou and norrowed down choices I was not sure. Like others said that you felt confident because you either knew materials well or you did not catch tricky questions. I just hope I did just fine to land on 75, that's all we need!

    REG: 77 x2
    BEC: 81 x3
    FAR: 68 retake 10/1
    AUD: 8/27

    mad max

    I had passed 3/4 sections and then got 74 on FAR three times back in 2011-2012 before my scores started expiring. Today marks the start of my second attempt, this time starting with FAR; I feel like I got a 74 again =| So I guess I'm also not feeling too confident.

    I found 2/7 of the SIMS to be very difficult, and 1/7 to be too demanding. I think I did OK on the MCQ but not great, and the variety of my testlets was pretty bad. I'm pretty sure I went from the Medium->Difficult->Medium testlets but who knows.

    I think I did decent on MCQ but I was very frustrated by my testlets. There were an instance of having two almost identical questions in each testlet. Ones that come to mind are regarding deferred taxes with 2 nearly identical questions in 1 testlet and 2 nearly identical questions on items included in govt wide statement of activities in another.


    Anyway, I guess I'll post back on Feb 7th (doomsday) and we'll see. Fingers crossed that the test question on the sim bank wasn't one of the four I am confident on.
    I'll update my sig to reflect my “second attempt” on that date. You may need to call the police if I get a 74 again 😀

    mad max

    also nothing in regards to OCI/AOCI (wonder why my edit button disappeared?)
    edit- i think i edited too many times, cause i can edit this one < but not that one ^


    @MadMax , going by your post I am wondering which area they were testing in MCQ because you listed almost all the areas with zeros or one question ? Is it Govt and NFP ? As you know that you can't predict the score of cpa exam due to unknown weight to each question.I hope you get 76 just like REG.I feel that its very difficult to be sure when you are scoring between 76 and 80. Pray for your success.


    What you would do if get 76 in FAR ?


    I had a very difficult time with the SIMS and fear that I didn’t pass because of them. I also experienced having the same question twice in different testlets and was getting paranoid by that. Every test sure is different because I saw all of what you said you didn’t see. There are topics I studied like crazy and didn’t get one question on. It’s a crap shoot. I walked out of the exam feeling so defeated and upset. I’m sure I couldn’t have passed because the SIMS killed me and had to rush through the last two to finish on time. But then that little voice comes in and says ‘you did well on the MCQ’s you might have passed’ The bright side is I won’t have to go through the FAR material for the first time ever again, that was horrible, and I enjoyed learning those topics because they have helped me with my job.


    @madmax you arent supposed to write on the forums what is on the test and what isnt. That is probably why your edit button isnt there. The post will probably be deleted soon. Good luck!

    AUD: 70, 73, 85!
    BEC: - 81!
    REG: - 75!!!!!
    FAR: -


    @sallybreann Sounds like you could've easily passed. A lot of the time people feel that way and pass by a lot. The fact that you did not have time to do 2 of the SIMS isnt terrible either. Last time i did not have time to do full 4/7 sims hence why and how i failed. good luck! Were all crossing fingers. Feels like feb 7th is a lifetime away.

    AUD: 70, 73, 85!
    BEC: - 81!
    REG: - 75!!!!!
    FAR: -

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