Not given a scheduled break?

  • Creator
  • #2368035

    Hey guys,

    I just took FAR and obviously anxious about how I did but I feel like I should have passed. However, I was approved for special accommodations, which includes a separate testing room and time and a half. During my exam, I was not given the scheduled 15 minute break. This is the second time this has happened.

    This happened the last time I took BEC but I thought maybe I made a mistake and quickly clicked through the break prompt by accident. This time was the same situation where I was offered only optional breaks where the clock would still run. I reported this to my proctor this time and they said they would fill out a report but didn’t give me a ticket number.

    Has this happened to anyone? I am debating calling NASBA.

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  • Author
  • #2371089
    Jimmy Dugan

    I've never heard of not being given the scheduled break, but I've also not ever heard of someone getting 1.5X time. i would touch base with whoever you arranged the special accommodations with. If this has happened to you twice now, it may be an issue with how they set up the program for the special time limit.

    In any event, fantastic signature.


    LOL thank you!! I called and reported the incident to NASBA yesterday. I receive time and a half because I have a disability 🙂

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