Negative credits

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  • #1623572

    Just took FAR this last Friday. While filling out the JEs in the sims I was confused whether I was supposed to make the credits in the credit column negative or not. I entered positive integers in both the debit and credit columns. There wasn’t any indication in the instructions as to whether the credits were to be made negative. Was I wrong? Did I fail on all of those journal entries?

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  • #1623578

    If you had debit and credit columns and there were no other instructions then I think you're fine to put all positive integers as long as you put them in the right columns. I'm trying to remember how the sims were graded in practice, and I believe the only time it was asking for negative numbers was when it was talking about changes in account balance.


    Unless directed otherwise, entering positive numbers in both debit and credit columns should be correct. By default, credit column values are treated as negatives depending on the account being credited (i.e., those with a normal balance on the debit side).


    I know using Gleim practice sims there are a couple where it has a debit column and a credit column and asks you to put the credits in as negatives. I got burned a couple times on this because I didn't read the directions carefully enough. I feel like it's a dirty trick though since there's no such thing as a negative credit. Oh well, if it taught me to read the instructions more carefully on the actual exam then I guess it helped.

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