NEED SIM advise to retake FAR

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  • #842775

    Hello everybody,

    I came here ‘cus I need to express my problem for ppl who went or still goin through CPA exams process.

    I got my 2nd FAR test scores with 67 weaker sim, while my previous was 65 weaker sim.
    My first FAR, I only answered one J/Es sim and ran out of time, but for the 2nd I answered ALL sim and felt pretty much comfortable for my answers, with one sim from the space and the rest were mostly calculations with one J/E sim.

    I am using Becker self-study and was scoring 80-85% in progress MCs test.
    About me:
    I am an international student who came at the age of 30 with a minimum knowledge of even basic accounting. I noticed myself struggling in my master in accounting at school, so I took a whole semester off to study for FAR CPA from SCRATCH.

    After the score hit me so hard, I feel like I will never pass SIM, so whats the goal of getting 100% in MCs and failing sim in actual exam! Did I mention that I solved all becker sim and was approved for a time extension for the 2nd FAR exam?

    PPL ADVISE ME, should I gave up? I studied for the 2nd test trial for two month 6 hours a day:(

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