Need a FAR tutor

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  • #188493

    Hi everyone,

    As predicted a week ago, I failed FAR -4th time-. NASBA says my summer long study = 71, hence I shall not become a CPA anytime soon.

    I have REG (expiring in summer 2015) and BEC (expiring 02/2015) under my belt. I passed AUD back in 2012 and lost credit.

    At this point, I just want to give it a one more shot before I quit the test, quit public accounting and regroup to think what I’m actually good at.

    Does anyone on this forum work with a tutor, preferably in person, in the NYC area? If yes, please respond to this topic.


    AUD 78 Lost Credit, retake after FAR rematch
    BEC 83 (Expires 2015-02-28)
    FAR 71 Failed (2014-09-09), retake in Q4'14
    REG 80 (Expires 2015-11-30)

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  • Author
  • #600359

    You got a 71? On the curved scale that the AICPA/NASBA scores these exams that's not many questions off from a 75. You are so close, don't give up. Just do practice question after question and you will get it. Keep your head up.


    @yolo, thanks for the encouragement! I am just so tired and sort of ashamed to keep pushing at this point. I know that not everyone out there is a CPA or passed the test in 6 months or so, but I'm an experienced senior in my firm and there's only a few around me who hasn't passed the CPA yet.. So the pressure keeps building up :-/ It just sucks, there is no way around it.

    AUD 78 Lost Credit, retake after FAR rematch
    BEC 83 (Expires 2015-02-28)
    FAR 71 Failed (2014-09-09), retake in Q4'14
    REG 80 (Expires 2015-11-30)

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