NASBA will NOT release my score…

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  • #2857902

    Hello Everyone,

    I wanted to see if anyone has ever been in this predicament or how I should proceed. I sat for FAR on 12/09 and had computer issues. My computer had to be restarted 3 separate times. I contacted candidate care two days after in order to stress to them the test center not switching me computers during the exam. Candidate Care responded stating that this has been noted and I will receive a response regarding my case in 5-7 business days if not sooner. This was my first section of the exam that I sat for and have been anxiously waiting for my results to be released by the 12/19 release date. The scores were released on 12/18 at 11pm EST. I still did not receive a score. I assumed this was because my score just was not received yet so I waited and kept refreshing my portal for two days… Then finally I contacted NASBA score release office on 12/20 (The 7th day of my investigation). They transferred me over to one of the head staff to figure out what was going on, which ended up going to voicemail, but I left a voicemail and emailed this staff member. She emailed me back a few hours later stating that my score will not be released but I get a free retest. I responded to make sure I was understanding correctly stating that even if I did pass the exam I would need to retake it? She responded stating that she understood my perspective but all she had access to regarding my case was the notation which stated that they will not release my score but will give me a free retest and that I needed to contact candidate care. I called candidate care and specifically the lady from candidate care that sent me the first email stating I would receive a response in 5-7 business days if not sooner. The candidate care department and the lady were gone for the holidays already and will not be in the office until Thursday the 26th, which will be day 11 of the investigation… I just feel like I deserve a score and I should have been made aware of the outcome of the investigation before the score release so I was not anxiously awaiting and refreshing my candidate portal for my score…. I have been studying for FAR since August, so it would be nice to know if I need to continue to study for a FAR retake or proceed studying for REG during the holidays.. Has anyone else ever heard of this or been through this particular situation? I would take any advice on how to proceed!

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  • #2857938

    I think one of two things are possible. Possibility 1, you did not pass so they are extending a free retake to you due to the circumstances. Possibility 2, for some crazy reason there was corrupt data in your testlet or something went wrong and they cannot determine an accurate result, which is why they won’t release the score and ask that you retake. It is certainly frustrating being in your predicament, I would recommend continuing to study for FAR as it sounds like a retake is what they are requiring.

    Pork Flavored Bacon

    Reading that just makes me angry. I don't know about anyone else but to me, these exams are a big deal and to just brush you off, a candidate who sat for and completed the exam, seems so wrong. They can at least tell you what's up (like maybe one of Journeyman's possibilities).
    The worst part is, you're at their mercy. If they have it noted in your account that your score is not going to be released and you will be given a free re-test, I'm not sure how much more you can do. I know some people like to go the lawsuit route but that will cost you a lot of money, time, and stress.
    As frustrated as you might be, you might be better off cutting your losses and take that free re-test. It's what I would do in your situation.
    I realize my post here gives you zero advice or comfort. I'm just real sorry you're experiencing this crap. As if the stress of the exam isn't enough, let's just pile on one more thing to your examination journey.

    FAR - 75 | REG - 87 | AUD - 82 | LAW - 81


    Agree with the first response. I’d take it as you likely did not pass one way or another, so there’s no point in pushing for results. I would take the retest and study up. At least you’ve seen the exam and know what you need to know to pass. It’s frustrating. I had a computer issue on my last exam BEC but nothing like this. It just didn’t submit at the end and then the computer froze up so I wasn’t sure if my last testlet was received. Fortunately it worked out. I think you’ll get the pass your next to around. I’d chalk it up as a free retake and make sure it’s the last time you take that exam. Good luck.

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