Move on to BEC or Aud?

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  • #2376879

    So, took FAR this morning. Felt really good on the MCQs but was obliterated with 7 sims that were all fill in the blank and were just nothing at all like any I saw with NINJA, Surgent, or even the few I went and looked at this afternoon on the AICPA site. So, pretty sure it’s probably not a pass at this point. Scores are supposed to be released by 5/23. I’m trying to decide if I just want to move on to BEC or AUD in the mean time. My backstory is that I had BEC and AUD both passed over 10 years ago and then moved into internal audit so decided I didn’t need the certification. Well….forward 10 years and I do now.

    My mindset is that I know FAR is the toughest for me. Have been out of school for over 10 years and where I work, we are a credit union so about 90% of FAR doesn’t apply to us and I don’t use it in day to day work (neither does govt. or NFP accounting). So, wanted to try and pass FAR first and then let the 18 month clock start ticking. I would hate to get 2-3 passed and never conquer FAR and waste any that I would/might pass. But, also want to feel like I am making some progress. So, pretty conflicted. I felt like today that those sims are going to be the biggest hurdle for me to pass FAR.

    I know everyone is different and everyone has an opinion. Just curious what other people have experience and what their thoughts are.

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  • Author
  • #2376900
    Mike J

    I would say AUD. It's largely vocab and has more overlap with FAR than BEC would overlap.

    Also, hopefully you did fine with FAR. Maybe you're just nervous about it. Good luck.

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