Motivation to not give up

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  • #3203183

    Hi all,

    I recently started studying for FAR. It’s been on and off studying for me but I did manage to finish two chapters in the becker book. I stopped studying after going through inventory in module 3. With the new year I restarted my studying and decided to do redo the multiple choice questions I have done in the past to refresh my memory. Going forward I plan on studying two hours on weekdays after work and 6-8 on weekends. I want to finish everything in 10 weeks. Does this seem like a reasonable time frame? Any other tips would greatly be appreciated.

    Thank you,

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  • #3203210

    So I found listening to the ninja audio helped me out greatly keeping things fresh. So I would get up and study an hour or two before work and some mornings I was just so tired that I didnt want to start anything new. So instead I would drink a cup of coffee and listen to the audio. I found doing this helped me retain more information than I thought! For me it was better than flash cards and even reading the notes. I also listened to it in the car. So I would listen to the audio in the am before work, do multiple choice sets on my lunch break, and then study two hours at night. I also began writing down the multiple choice questions I got wrong and why I got them wrong. I saw my trending score take a big leap after that. I am waiting on my AUD score on the next release date.

    For FAR, I used Ninja as a supplement and Wiley as my main source. Ninja was much better with explanations on consolidations , EPS, and diluted EPS. For REG & AUD, I used Ninja, Wiley, & Gleim. BEC used Wiley only. Also, I suggest working SIMS.


    It's difficult to squeeze in studying, I know. I use UWorld Roger, and have kids around me causing distractions. Keep up with it–it's worth it and pays off greatly in the end. I use the app for when I want to study on-the-go.


    Each person's process and ability to retain information is different; you'll figure out yours as you go along. 2 hours each weekday while working would be good, and I'd amp it up to at least 12-20 hours during the weekend if possible; not sure if 6-8 is 2 hours or 14 hours haha. What you do for a final review can vary as well. I liked to leave 2 weeks to take the practice exams and have a detailed review of notes. Others prefer to skip the practice exams and review for a day or two before the exam.

    FAR is definitely a beast. I took it before I started working so I had a lot of time to study. But others have definitely passed while working and having busier lives so I'd trust their advice/tips. Good luck!


    Don't give up my friend.

    FAR is a really hard exam and there is a lot of material, it is hard to stay motivated, especially when you feel like you're not doing any better or not understanding the material.

    I was lucky enough to pass FAR on my first try with Roger. Roger has a way of making you feel confidence that you're going to pass and he always says “IF YOU STUDY, YOU WILL PASS”. My point is, you need to trust the process; I never used anything but Roger but I can tell you that the people who designed those courses have a lot more experience at teaching it and seeing people passing the exam than we do (Roger has over 20 years of CPA teaching experience).

    So for me, with Roger, I just trusted the process the pressed on, although I felt unsure at times and worried that I won't pass. At the end, Roger's study process proved itself and I passed.

    Don't worry, you will pass. Good luck!

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