Just took the FAR exam – 7/23/2020

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  • #3057045

    Hi everyone. How are you doing? Soooooo, I just took the FAR exam. Hmmmmmm, can someone shout BRUTALLLLLL!!!
    I went for the exam with the thought that I would face nice MCQs and semi-brutal sims. I made an 81 on the mock exam using the Gleim CPA review book, and I reviewed the AICPA sample test before the exam.
    I got to the exam center by 8:15 am, got started super early. They gave me a calculator, thank God!.
    The first testlet, I was like “I thought this was supposed to be the easy testlet. What is going on here? who set these questions. I had about 12 questions flagged and I started panicking. Then I remembered the words of my friend, “You will not die if you fail”, so I was like Be calm, Tolu.
    I started the second testlet and it was the same. The questions got longer, I was like if the Multiple Choice questions are like these, the simulations are going to kill me. I started the simulations and they were not that bad, I got two research questions. I finished with 28 minutes left on the clock.
    For those taking the FAR exam anytime soon, my tips are:
    1) Please practice simulations with your review book and the AICPA sample test.
    2) Be calm, You can do it!!!!

    Thank you to monikernc and JFKGY for your support and words of encouragement before the exam. I will sleep well tonight.

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  • #3057066

    @Teebaby, I am so glad you went for it!!! Sounds like a typical FAR exam experience and yes, the govt non-profit are not to be ignored and can be easy points. I never had that much time left. Can't wait to hear how you did!!

    Will you continue to study FAR while you wait for score? Good luck!!

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    God bless you Teebaby, We will take your advice into consideration, taking Far the end of August. Flagging is not a bad thing, but it's over and all you can do now is hope for the best. The veterans will chime in soon so don't panic. Everybody I know took Far and second guessed their accomplishments immediately after. Some passed with flying colors and some are still trying (like me). It's completely natural to be scared to death. Score release will come soon enough. Do you have other parts to study for? Anyway, Find a way to wind down, get a lemonade (or what ever you drink) and relax (at least for today). Good luck to you.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    @monikernc, No, I will not be studying for FAR. I am so tired and really glad it is over. I plan to relax well this weekend, I feel like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders.
    I plan to start studying for BEC next week. I will let you know when the results come out. I am praying to God and hoping for the best.
    I really appreciate your support and all your comments on this forum.


    @Tncincy, Hello, how are you doing today? Thank you so much. Amen, May God bless you and grant you all that you need to clear these exams, I believe in you.
    I cannot wait for score release but before then I will sleep well this weekend finally and relax.
    I have BEC and REG to study for and I am still contemplating which one to take next if I pass FAR.
    I plan to watch a movie with my friend today and eat very well.
    Thank you for your support and encouragement. It means a lot.


    It is so lucky to get the combination of difficulty MCQs and simple SIMs. It is extremely lucky who can get 2 research questions.


    I took REG this morning. I am still trying to recover. That exam shook me to the core. The MCQ was 80% calculation, the SIMS were horrible.


    I just took the FAR practice exam, but it almost feels like a false sense of security. lol I aced the mcqs they had and was fine with half of the sims and the research question. There there a couple of sims I needed the answer key to walk me through though.


    Yeah, i noticed the trend. When MC is hard then simulation comes out easier. If you scored 81 on your mock exam, then you should be fine. 81 demonstrates you know your stuff.

    Louis Perrotta

    Took my FAR yesterday too. Everything was hard, of course, but I may have pulled it out by getting partial credit on sims. Too many uncertain MCQs, though I feel okay about them. Got the research at the last minute when I was ready to give up on it. Practice test scores of 82, 85, and 85 during the final week. Good chance but still a sense of dread.

    Louis Perrotta

    And I think I got the research wrong. I can't believe how easy it was and I blew it.


    Hello @Louis Perrotta, I really believe that you will be fine. You will definitely clear this exam. Look at your nice mock scores now, no shaking at all, You've got this!!!
    I truly understand how you feel about the research question but please do not worry or stress. God is with you, You are going to be just fine.


    Hi @CPAHOPE, thank you for your reply. I was legit shocked with the Multiple Choice Questions, I was like “Are these questions set for CFOs, am I dreaming, why are these so long, Should I just leave”
    The simulations calmed me down a bit. I am praying for good news to come on 8/7/2020.


    Hello @bmj2s, You are a champion. I believe in you. You can definitely kill this exam. Keep pushing, stay focused. Good news is coming, all your efforts will not be vain.
    Please do not, I repeat do not take naps on Government and Not for Profit Reporting. Please treat them with equal importance as them Leases, Bonds, and other popular topics.


    Hi @chrissy. I completely understand how you feel. Please do not worry at all. Everything will definitely work in your favor.
    Please get some rest and do not worry too much. On August 6th or 7th, we will get great news.
    You are a champion… This is the last one, Chrissy.


    Hello @Lucky88, when I saw the two research questions, my soul broke with gratitude because the Multiple choice showed me my place, AICPA does not play one bit.
    Are you done with your exams or do you have anyone to take?
    I am hoping for the best and I am chilling this weekend.

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