Just took FAR today. WTF, SIM killed me

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  • #1622167

    So I felt okay about mcps but terrible about SIMS. I spent about 50 min on the first SIM testlet, and only have 1 hr and 10 min for the next 6 SIMs. I totally ran out of time for the very last testlet (3 SIM), which I pretty much just randomly picked answers and filled 0s. I am 80% confident about mcps.

    Can someone tell me how much possibility can i pass FAR???


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  • #1622170

    I took FAR under the old format, but I had a similar experience. I felt pretty good about the MCQ, but the SIMS were brutal. I ended up leaving 1 SIM completely blank and filled in random numbers and zeros for about 1.5 of the other SIMS. It is definitely possible for you to have passed, but you will just have to wait and see. Good luck!


    I took it yesterday but I felt the same. MCQ was blah nothing too crazy hard but wasn't a cake walk. SIMS like WTF! I had no idea what each one was asking I think I filled in 0's on all the blanks for like 2 SIM cuz I had no other. I went into the last testlet with little under 1 hour and had 2 SIM left at 30 min mark completely guess. Of all the SIMS I guessed on 2 and filled in 0's and BS 2. No idea whether I passed or not but my experience was similar to yours. Well, bright side is only 1.5 weeks till score release. I doubt I passed but will def be amazing to be done with this once and for all! good luck to you!


    You pass with a 77? Nice! Fingers crossed!!!


    @iris – there have been many threads on here about this. There should seriously be a section of this board called Killer SIMs on FAR (and Killer SIMs on REG.)
    I took FAR earlier this year, and all but one of the SIMs was just plain bonkers. One of them would have taken me about 2 hours to do, if I'd done it. I had no time to do it without losing valuable points on the other SIMs so I left it blank. I'm thinking now that that one was the pre-tested, non-graded one. Another one, I randomly filled in blanks with zeros for those I could not answer. Or, maybe that was the pre-tested one! The worst part about the new format of the test is how they divide up the SIM testlets, which prevents you from going back to work on harder SIMs. If you have a testlet with 2 wickedly hard SIMs, you're basically forced to submit it if you don't know how to do them, assuming you have more testlets still to complete. On BEC, it absolutely killed me because the WC's are always on the last testlet and if you have a hard testlet of SIMs right before the WC testlet, you're ska-rewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwed!!

    You may very well have passed…you never know until your score gets posted. But, with the new format of the exam, it's just harder to get a passing score with SIMs left blank nowadays. There were plenty who passed with a couple blank SIMs up until March of this year.


    Is there any reason to fill 0s for everything you don't know? I took FAR today and all the simulations said to leave the fields blank if there are no adjustments. Just wondering if I lose any advantage for not putting 0s in all my blanks.


    @hlim95 how was it? I take FAR tomorrow! and I do not think so I think you are fine


    @hlim95 be sure to read the instructions. Some SIMS say to leave blank, and some say to put 0. The instructions will be very clear. If it said to leave blank than you are good.

    Good luck!


    ^ Crap I def didn't read detail enough and plugged in 0's. Oh well. LOL


    I just took FAR today and my experience was the same as everyone else. I could handle the MCQ but many required calculations which kill time. My first SIM was a research question second was easy but took time to look through documents to pull out answers. Next 2 SIM testlets were longer with long forms and multiple tabs and links to documentation. The last SIM testlet I was just pulling numbers from documentation and trying to put as many numbers in as possible to try and get some points.

    I think if we had better calculators and were able to move through the documents easier such as multiple windows or alt-tab through the docs the test would be easer. It is such a pain having to use the mouse to click the tab get the number put it on the form and click the tab to get the number from the next piece of information needed.

    I have dual monitors at work to deal with these types of problems and avoid having to click tabs.


    Took FAR in Q3 as well. Only 3 of my SIMS were difficult. If I didn't pass my exam then the curve was definitely not with me.


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    Same exact experience. Took FAR on the 9th and mcq were doable. Nothing too fancy. The SIMS on the other hand, over 6+ exhibits each and had like 15+ boxes to fill on each one. WTF man.

    The review course sims are too easy compared to the actual. Most people i know who passed all have actual public accounting experience and their work experience helps them with the sims but how does one without work experience pass the sims. Each in a matter of 15 minutes.

    Why does the AICPA do this..


    Q2 tester for FAR.
    For me I spent so much time on the mcqs and the 1st Sim Testlet. I hit the break with 1:19 remaining to complete the final two testlets and at this point I started to panic. Thankfully with the NEW required break I was able to leave the testing center and just relax in the building without any distractions. It was difficult to keep my mind off what I just saw on the 1st three testlets but took deep breaths and splashed cold water on my face. It let me clear my mind while the panic of 1:19 time constraint faded away. I just focused on relaxing and thought about how the sims are similar to the day to day work I completed as a prior Financial Statement Accountant.

    That break seriously saved me! I went back into the testing center with a clear mind and confidence that these sims aren't difficult unless we really make them difficult. I didn't let the past testing struggles I had on my prior Sim discourage me. The 1st Sim testlet was very lengthy and took me a lot of time. Yes, the test makes it difficult with all the documents and the constant scrolling but if you read the directions and break down each sim step by step and only complete the parts they ask/require/calculate/journalize rather then looking at all the documents at once it could effectively increase your time management. Each document is a different question within the sim, some of those documents are meaningless, but the majority are not. I did get lucky with a couple sims I had studied in the last testlet and completed the final box on the final sim as the clock ticked to zero. I couldn't go back and reconcile anything, just trusted I knew what they were asking and answered the questions to the best of my abilities. Like I said, the sims can really be compared to daily work as a Corporate business manager and every sim was relevant to the FAR material. Just don't panic and utilize that required break to clear your mind even if time is of concern.


    Take note I received a ‘weaker' result on my final grade breakdown for simulations, but ended up passing. I felt like the exam could have gone either way – borderline pass or fail.

    Good luck to you all, these exams are the hardest tests I have ever attempted in my life. Stay with it and never give up!


    In real life people think about the problem, examine source documentation, perform some research, consider courses of action, develop a plan and then execute the plan.


    @iriswanghuixian We're on the same boat except I was afraid of not having enough time left for the SIMS that I basically rushed through the first testlet and ended up with way too much time for the third testlet.. good luck to us!

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