Just took FAR today…

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  • #1950502

    I honestly don’t know how I feel about it. I didn’t walk out of that exam feeling like a total failure but I also don’t feel super terrific either. I actually managed to finish almost all the sims with the exception of the last one, I just BS’d it with random entries. But that doesn’t mean I did them correct I was mainly shooting for partial credit and didn’t want to leave any sims blank. The MCQ is also a hit or miss. I was getting answers that were there but I had to guess to on several and again, doesn’t mean I got them right. Overall It’s a mixed bag. I know many on here post about how they walk out feeling upset and disappointed thinking that they failed but then they pass so I don’t know if me not feeling like that is a good sign. I would have liked to practice more MCQ but working full time and dealing with life doesn’t always work out that way. Here’s hoping that I actually passed so I don’t have to relive this nightmare.

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  • #1950571

    I'm a week away. And I just took AUD last month and know how that feels. I slightly optimistic but I completely dread the idea of taking either AUD or FAR over.

    I also don't feel as prepped for FAR as AUD, though I certainly have a lot more experience working with accounting statements and 0 experience with auditing.


    Keep your head up, and just a few more days until the results come. FAR is the beast, and very few people feel great coming out of it, good luck


    I think you will be fine….I took FAR last year in Dec and it had the lowest pass rate since 2006…..I left a sim blank because I thought it was a pretest….Who knows if it really was loll….


    I hope you guys are right! I know there was a sim I messed up on but hoping I at least get partial credit for the correct accounts.


    Hey , pat yourself on the back for getting this “FAR” , best of luck!
    I will be taking mine in a few days

    FAR: 76
    REG: Currently studying

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