Just took FAR Q1 2019 - Page 2

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    I took FAR yesterday. I was not too confident going in, because I was consistently getting 60% on the Wiley practice MCQs. My exam was on the last day of my NTS, so rescheduling for more study time wasn’t an option.

    The second MCQ testlet was harder than the first, which I know is a good sign. I was slightly stressed while answering the second testlet. I got more governmental accounting questions in both MCQ testlets than I was expecting.

    The TBS questions were what I was expecting; nothing came out of left field; it was all topics I expected to be tested on. Taking the AICPA practice exam ahead of time helped. The real exam questions didn’t have the same content, but they did have the same format.

    My debits did not equal my credits in two of the TBS questions. I’m not worried, because maybe I got them partly right, or maybe I did well in the rest of the test.

    I kept this vague to avoid disclosing exam questions, but let me know if I have too much detail about the questions.

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    all exams have the button you can click for the breakdown…at least on the CBA they do.


    @TerriSilva I know its just super stressful – I dont feel to confident on Non Profits, Leases (Now with the changes), Govt and I just dont want a Cashflows or EPS Sim….. I could pass if those topics arent tested that much…… and no sims come on them but I dont see that happening…..

    Also…. normally how many sections does a Sim have? like everyone says 2 hours for the sims but i feel that sometimes the sims have like 5 parts and that take over 1 hours per sim… any thoughts and advice?


    Just walked out of FAR a few hours ago. This is the second attempt at FAR and there is no way I did better this time around. This exam was much harder than the one I took late last year and didn't have nearly as much Gov/Non-profit which sucks because those are my two strongest sections.

    I felt the MCQ's were harder than Ninja or Roger which is a bummer. You spend all this money and time on these courses and it feels like they don't prepare you well enough. I've been scoring in the high 60s to low 70s on Ninja MCQ, no way I scored that well on the exam I just took.

    The SIMs were pretty bad too, every single one was filled with exhibits and I guessed on quite a bit. This really sucks, I'm expecting a lower score than the first time which is a miserable place to be in.


    @AnimalWithin – I know you shouldnt disclose info (Even if we are from different states) but I was just wondering if you could elaborate on the Sims… Were you able to finish? How many sections per simulation testlet? And if you can give any advice regarding Sims study it would be appreciated! Hope your feelings are just because of nerves and you actually passed it!!!!


    the one thing I will tell you is this: do NOT walk in to that exam without knowing how to do statement of cash flows. I didn't pass more than one FAR exam because I hoped there wouldn't be one.

    You will need more than 2 hours for SIMS, unless you have zero attachments. Some SIMS are short, some have many sections. I can't disclose anything more, sorry! But I just passed FAR and barely this time, and I had 2 hours and 20 minutes for the SIMS. Finished on the last second of the exam as it was hitting zero on the timer.


    I finished everything, I've never had any issues with time management on exams.

    SIMs were all over the place with no focus on any specific topic. I've never had SIMs really focus on one thing, they're usually a mixed bag and you never really know what you're going to get so be prepared.


    Did you guys do the Mock exams of Wiley or Becker? I did Becker and Im so demotivated…. =(


    I took the full length Wiley practice exams for both FAR and REG. My scores on the real tests were higher than the practice tests.


    Thanks for the info!…. Yeah Im reviewing things now because my score is far away from 75. It was the sims I think


    My FAR exam today was a bouncer from AICPA! I had sims on topics which didn't even cover an entire page with its content on Beckers. I mean, they were so UNEXPECTED to appear on the exam! I had a sims which had various selections and mentioned a FASB code for which you had to actually go look for the FASB code in AL. It just threw me off. I feel confident on 3 sims out of 8! just 3!


    @Dev12…… I hope I get something like that I took Becker Mock Exam and got 50…. it was basically due to the sims and tie management. I was shocked and kinda freaking out…… I take it Thursday…. I;ve focused on everything like even if it doesnt cover a page on becker I still have it down but the wording confuses me and preassure is hard


    Soooo i took FAR earlier today…. it was brutal…. the mcq were east at first and then they got challenging BUT when the SIMs came literally they were almost on the same topic and its like they know whats your weakest topic because it was that for me….. so I think i will be sitting for it again in April…. 🙁


    Took FAR yesterday. First testlet the questions made sense, knew the material. The second testlet was much harder – longer questions with having over half with calculations. Third teslet, not too bad. When I got down the the 4th & 5th testlet, I only had 2 hours left. My advice, the SIMS need to be practiced before testing! So you're overwhelmed with the amount of material that has to be reviewed. I know alot of people mention not to even worry about practicing, I disagree – I believe its very vital to practice time management, slow down, really READ what its asking – and for the love of the power above – make sure you read the directions closely! Esp on sections to do calculations and whether to put a ZERO or leave as blank if no answer is needed. I think this is where I might of bomb it. After I hit submit on the 4th testlet – I couldn't remember if the instructions said to leave blank or not. I'm hoping I pass but if not, I'll retake in a month. Good Luck everyone! March 19th can't get here fast enough.

    AUD - 74 (3x), TBD
    BEC - Sept16
    FAR - TBD
    REG - TBD


    Hi everyone! Had a horrible FAR experience today. I was exhausted because I couldnt sleep all night, and my drive to the testing center took over an hour when it usually takes 20 minutes. I couldnt find parking because there was an event downtown, so I had to walk for 20 minutes to get to prometric. I get there 30 minutes before scheduled time but then they make me wait 45 minutes to even check in because there wasnt an available workstation. I finally started 30 minutes after my scheduled time.
    The exam experience was horrific. I was weak on a couple areas and I got a ton mcq on those. I did not get much governmental accounting questions (maybe 4 out of 66) which was disappointing because I was super confident in that area.
    The SIMS were on topics that I thought I knew going into the exam, but the way the problems were presented was rather vague and unclear. My computer crashed in the middle of the exam, so that freaked me out, but luckily everything was saved when it got rebooted. I ended up submitting 2 blank simulations because I felt defeated and exhausted. I thought that I can make up for it. It felt like there was no point in trying. I ended up with 50 minutes left on the clock which makes me regret the rush. I know that if I did not rush, I would have passed the exam. Now I have to wait for scores for 1 whole month and I already have BEC scheduled.
    The exam did not reflect the blueprint at all. I feel like I wasted so much time studying things that I am never going to use in my life, and didnt even pass the exam.


    @Gorban – keep studying! if you didn't pass, don't worry and just take it again. I took FAR 5 times! Yes, you read that right, 5. I accidentally skipped a SIM on my second try, and got 73. I would have passed had I been paying more attention to the testlet, and because of that I fought with that beast 3 more times. Lost BEC at first because it expired on January 1st, 2019, and testing was dark the last 3 weeks of December, but I wrote a letter to the board asking for 3 more weeks and they actually gave it to me. They gave me until January 31st, 2019, which is the day I sat for it. I felt pretty good on that exam and still only got 75, but I did it. I'm a CPA now 😉 You can do it!

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