Just took FAR Q1 2019

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  • #2183194

    I took FAR yesterday. I was not too confident going in, because I was consistently getting 60% on the Wiley practice MCQs. My exam was on the last day of my NTS, so rescheduling for more study time wasn’t an option.

    The second MCQ testlet was harder than the first, which I know is a good sign. I was slightly stressed while answering the second testlet. I got more governmental accounting questions in both MCQ testlets than I was expecting.

    The TBS questions were what I was expecting; nothing came out of left field; it was all topics I expected to be tested on. Taking the AICPA practice exam ahead of time helped. The real exam questions didn’t have the same content, but they did have the same format.

    My debits did not equal my credits in two of the TBS questions. I’m not worried, because maybe I got them partly right, or maybe I did well in the rest of the test.

    I kept this vague to avoid disclosing exam questions, but let me know if I have too much detail about the questions.

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  • #2183257
    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    how were the sims? crazy amount of exhibits? or you thought fair


    Just want to say way to go taking the exam! That's a large part of the battle for me: scheduling and just moving forward methodically (while of course I feel utterly guilty for ignoring family and friends :().


    Hey guys, my FAR exam is in one week. Does anyone have any last minute studying tips? I'm not too great with deferred taxes, leases, and statement of cash flows. Not sure if I should spend my time trying to figure out these topics which may not even show up or if I should focus my time on reviewing everything as a whole. Any advice? Thanks!



    No, the SIMs weren't crazy; they were all reasonable. I had 1:45 left on the clock after the 15 minute break, and I finished all the remaining SIMs with a minute left on the clock.


    can you tell me if the new leasing standards apply now?


    I took FAR yesterday. I found 4 out of 8 sims difficult (regret not working enough sims). There’s no way I passed this exam. This is the first exam I take.


    TerriSilva- Yes, the new leasing standards apply now. I thought it was difficult to remember all the different types of leases.


    @Jennica I'm taking it tomorrow…the whole right of use asset thing for operating has me irritated. I'll refresh my memory on that stuff tonight I guess…maybe watch a video in Wiley.


    Hi @Jennica and @TerriSilva!!

    Im taking FAR at the end of the week…. any advice for the Sims? what to focus on? Govt or Non For Profit are those simms??? Im not that strong on those topics……


    It's possible for governmental and non-profit to be tested as SIMs, but those topics are more likely to show up as multiple choice questions.

    I found governmental accounting difficult when I was studying, because there was a lot to remember. But I passed FAR!


    @ Jennica Do you happen to remember what were your sims about?



    I don't think I can answer that question – we are not supposed to post on this forum what topics we saw on the exam, because of the AICPA's rules about not disclosing exam content.

    I don't think it would help you to know what topics were on my exam, anyway, because you won't get the same test I did. Maybe you'll study what I got tested on and then get tested on something different.

    All the SIMs I saw were topics I remembered studying in my Wiley CPAExcel materials. Nothig unexpected. So you should probably study what your review materials say are likely to be tested.


    @Jennica – I see I didnt realize that applied even for out of state candidates. Was your exam more on the theorical questions or more on calculations type questions for the multiple choice? I've heard from friends who did it during this Q1 2019 that its more on the calculations…. any feedback?


    @Gscottini FAR is so vast it's nearly impossible to give advice on what to study…if you have any weak areas, hit those hard and learn them because that's what tends to show up on the SIMS in my opinion…it's why it took me 5 tries to pass! I got within 2 and 3 points twice, and this last time passed by the skin of my teeth. It's all about timing – you have to make sure you have at least 2+ hours for the SIMS because you don't know what you'll get and they can be brutal and time-consuming.

    I sacrificed doing better on the mcqs this time to focus on SIMS, and for the first time I got ‘comparable' on the SIMS but ‘weaker' on the mcqs…which is odd, but I did go through the mcqs quickly. Whatever the case, it worked 😉 I can tell you this – get stronger on governmental and nfp.


    Terri, can you receive a comparable report from your State on passing scores? I thought it was only provided if the test was failed.

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