Just took FAR – knots in my stomach

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  • #194424

    I have knots in my stomach I’m so mad. I felt like I knew the material going in but pretty sure I got all seven of the Sims wrong. If I felt like I didn’t know the material I wouldn’t feel so bad but a few of them I couldn’t tell exactly what they were asking for based on the instructions. One I knew very well but couldn’t recall when it came time to do the problem. And others were just presented in a way that I’ve never seen before or had to think about before. I guess that one’s on me. Either way I’m extremely frustrated. Anyone else have experience like this? Anyone think they royally screwed up and actually pass the exam?

    FAR - 87 (5/15)
    AUD - 93 (8/15)
    REG - 86 (2/16)
    BEC - 87 (5/16)

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  • #671754

    It happens to everybody. Just read the score release thread to see people proclaiming that they bombed the exam to find out that they passed with a 77 or 85 or 92, etc.

    It is a normal reaction and nobody gets every sim correct. And sims are not all or nothing, they are calculated based on blanks and individual answers within the sims.

    I can link you the psychometrics of exam scoring if it will ease your anxiety…..

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    I felt the exact same way both times I took FAR and I was really close to passing/passed. I thought I failed miserably and felt like I got all or most of the sims wrong both times! You just never know until the actual score comes out so I wouldn't worry until then!

    FAR - 73, 78! (1/5/15)
    AUD - 73, 83!!! (7/1/15)
    BEC - 85!! (5/19/15)
    REG - 65, 80!!!! (11/16/15)

    St. Jude, St. Joseph of Cupertino, & St. Matthew - thank you!!!


    Just walked out of FAR and surprisingly thought MCQ were ok. (And I definitely did well on the first testlet). Sims were brutal. I started with the research which is the hardest research q I've ever come across, and found it after 10+ minutes. At that point I had 50 minutes left for Sims which weren't on crazy topics but were extremely wordy and confusing as to what they we're asking for. I basically had to run through the other 6 tabs just to get something filled in. I doubt I got more than 20 points on the Sims, if that much which means I failed and lost REG.


    Hey Mole,

    I took FAR this morning and walked out feeling the same, was trying to text an appropriate emoji to my fiancé, but couldn't find a face puking up guts. I thought mcq were fine, a lot from topics I did't expect, and not a lot from those the AICPA states percentage wise will have more. The sims I also found tough, feel I could have either done really good, or just swung and missed completely. Anyway, only ten days till d-day! Good luck

    AUD - 91 (4/7/2015)
    BEC - 88 (4/29/2015)
    FAR - 80 (5/29/2015)
    REG - 70 (8/18/2015); 82 (11/08/2015)

    Gleim & Ninja Flashcards


    I guess i should contact the Prometric testing center to have Barf Bags in advance for my FAR July 30th exam.


    I took FAR today too. I felt very prepared byt SIMS did not go well. Similar experience. I did not know what they were asking. I feel frustrated because I dont want to think my SIM packet was more “difficult” than others, but I feel that it definitely was not as related able to the study material as some of the other SIM packets I have read about or done on previous exams. I dont mind the MC because they kind of adapt to your knowledge but I think there is a good amount of luck in what you get with the SIMS (for people on the boarder of pass/fail). I did not have a single journal entry SIM somehow. I dont think theres anyway I passed 🙁



    I'm in the same boat, just got home from the exam. SIMS were pretty rough. Thankfully I had two hours for them and used all of it. Tried to use the AL for help and it actually did help me on one of them. I think I got the research right. That all leaves five Sims I feel totally yuck about.

    MCQ were ok, second testlet definitely tougher but couldn't tell on the third.

    BEC - 02/21/15 - 82
    FAR - 05/29/15 - 82
    AUD - 07/09/15 - 93
    REG - 11/14/15 - 80

    All done!!!


    I felt the same literally dont think anyone leaves far feeling good about life. Im already looking into career change 😉

    AUD: 02/28/15 - 89
    FAR: 05/29/15 - 80
    BEC: 08/03/15 - 81
    REG: 08/27/15 - 76


    I see so much about crazy SIMs lately and not enough time. I'm taking FAR Sunday. What is your recommendation for leaving time for them?

    Also, the last test I took and passed was REG. I thought the SIMs were totally out of nowhere. They didn't really seem to be related to the basic REG material, they didn't look anything like any of the practice SIMs, I didn't really know what they wanted but at the same time they didn't seem that hard. So don't know if that's any encouragement, that I was like , ‘what is this' but I passed. I did have enough time I think.

    Well, I'm sure I'll need barf bags and vodka soon and lots of comfort from you guys. I'll let you guys know if I survive! ha.

    3 out of 4 passed and sitting for FAR on May 31. Will lose credit for Audit if I don't pass FAR by Aug 4. I love leases and bonds.


    I feel the same way about my first shot at FAR yesterday. SIMS were out of this world difficult for me. I'm pretty sure I got the research question wrong because I could barely figure out what they were asking. I had right around 1:45 for the SIMS and used every minute of it. Definitely felt like a fail for me.

    AUD (Q2 2015) - 93
    FAR (Q2 2015) - 85
    REG (Q3 2015) - 80
    BEC (Q3 2015) - 82


    I had two hours for Sims yesterday and used every minute as well.

    BEC - 02/21/15 - 82
    FAR - 05/29/15 - 82
    AUD - 07/09/15 - 93
    REG - 11/14/15 - 80

    All done!!!


    I had the same experience everyone on this post is having. I posted my experience in the experience thread in case any wants to feed off more paranoia lol


    I took FAR this past Saturday, as well, and also feel like I probably didn't pass. I studied about 10,000 MCQ's mostly using the Wiley test bank, and I felt like the MCQ's on my testlets weren't too bad. I don't know if they got tougher, though, as I was so zoned in I didn't think about it. Since overall I feel like they weren't awful, I am wondering if that means I got all medium level difficulty questions. I walked out knowing I missed a few, and of course since then I've thought of a few more! The SIMS almost killed me, though. I did three, including the research one, and then the last four I probably did mostly wrong. One or two were probably completely wrong. I definitely need to focus more on SIMS in my study for the next test. I knew going in that I might fail, and I picked FAR as my first section so that the clock won't start ticking if I do fail, but still, it's certainly disappointing. Trying not to get discouraged, though!


    I was one of those people. Thought I bombed FAR for sure. Thought my MC and Sims went horrible, but I ended up scoring stronger in Sims and most MC, although ended up with a 79 because I scored weaker on financial statement accounts.

    In hindsight after reading my FAR exam experience posts, I put too much emphasis on MC that I got wrong and didn't take into account the easier questions I blew right past. (Govn't and NFP).


    I see you passed and did well! Great for you 🙂

    AUD: 98
    REG: 91
    BEC: 86
    FAR: 83

    DONE DONE DONE and DONE all on the first try! It IS possible, just keep on studying!

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