Just Took FAR: How do I retain information?

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  • #177235

    Hi Everyone,

    I just took FAR the other day. I am pretty sure I failed, the testlets got easier and the SIMs destroyed me. I am now studying for AUD, but I want to keep FAR fresh so that I do not forget everything. My tentative schedule is:

    AUD: 5/26

    REG: 7/13

    BEC: 8/18

    So most likely, the next time I can retake FAR is probably on 8/31, 2 weeks after BEC. It is a long time from now, and if I do not touch FAR until then, I will have forgotten everything. Has anyone been successful at keeping the a failed section fresh so next time they study, it wouldn’t be as bad. I was thinking about doing a 30 question FAR progress test everyday til August. What do you guys think?

    Thank you, good luck studying!

    F: 54 (4/13) 60 (4/14) 67 (9/14) 66 (10/14) 63 (11/15) 79 (2/16) PASSED
    A: 60 (5/13) 80 (4/16) PASSED
    R: 60 (7/13) 61 (2/15) 70 (4/15) 77 (7/15) PASSED
    B: (6/16)

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  • #425513

    I would just move forward with your next section until the score release. Take audit as per your plan then take far again 7/1. Doing progress test would be a waste of time until after all the other sections.


    @cpa runner but I have scheduled my becker online courses and 7/1 will be around the time wen I review for FAR and June will be a month where I am taking Reg classes…should I just pass FAR first before I start studying for REG?

    F: 54 (4/13) 60 (4/14) 67 (9/14) 66 (10/14) 63 (11/15) 79 (2/16) PASSED
    A: 60 (5/13) 80 (4/16) PASSED
    R: 60 (7/13) 61 (2/15) 70 (4/15) 77 (7/15) PASSED
    B: (6/16)


    First, you may have passed far so this is pure speculation. I am doing the Becker self study so I don't know the flexibility of the online classes. But if your plan is to take it after you attempt all other sections then I don't think doing sporadic progress tests will be enough enough to retain the info for far. You have to attack each section with 100%. This would take time away for the section your currently attempting.


    I went through the same thing. I failed FAR (as my first test), and then went on to pass the other 3. I am now back to studying for FAR almost a year later. You'll be surprised how much information you retain, but you'll definitely need to go back through the course. I used Becker also- make sure you complete the required questions/lectures to get the Becker Guarantee- I had to use it.

    AUD-84, REG-75, BEC-84, FAR-77

    Licensed CPA

    CIA Exam
    Part 1 - Passed
    Part 2 - Passed
    Part 3 - Passed


    @memmy22 congrats on passing your other sections after far. how do the other sections compare to far, do you think failing far helped u passed the others? i am definitely going to complete the hwk so I can get that becker promise.

    F: 54 (4/13) 60 (4/14) 67 (9/14) 66 (10/14) 63 (11/15) 79 (2/16) PASSED
    A: 60 (5/13) 80 (4/16) PASSED
    R: 60 (7/13) 61 (2/15) 70 (4/15) 77 (7/15) PASSED
    B: (6/16)


    I would recommend that you stay the course and continue with the exams in sequence… Although, I agree you will remember some information in the event you have to revisit FAR, chances are that you will forget the process used to solve the problem and/or the silly rules that may apply to GAAP/IFRS

    Continuing the study in sequence will provide additional insight on the Accounting process and perhaps give you a better understanding in the event you have to revisit FAR

    Lastly, I create my own “Cliff Notes”… I record acronyms relevant to the chapters as well as JE approach and any formulas/solution structure used for particular problems. This will help shortening your time in the event you must revisit.. I use different color ink to show commonalities when solving…

    Good Luck

    (Primary: Becker | Supplemental: Wiley MCQ's, Ninja Notes)

    CFP - passed(3/2013)
    (KIER, College for Financial Planning-cffp.edu, Jeff Rattiner Books and Notes)


    Hi CPApracticer I think you need a reality check…your probably going to get your ass kicked by audit..how much time will you have studied for it? Forget about FAR….if you have to retake (big if) then worry about it once you reschedule. If not you'll be trying to remember 4 sections after you fail.

    FAR Aug 12 84
    Aud Feb 13 99
    BEC Apr 13 86
    Reg May 13 87 Done!!!


    @cpapracticer- Honestly, FAR is kicking my ass. It was the first exam I took and had me very discouraged. I went on to complete the others, and I'm hoping it'll give me the confidence to pass FAR this time. I only have one more chance after this window before my AUD score expires…

    Like other have said, definitely take notes that you can revisit later to remember important points.

    AUD-84, REG-75, BEC-84, FAR-77

    Licensed CPA

    CIA Exam
    Part 1 - Passed
    Part 2 - Passed
    Part 3 - Passed


    Just got back from taking FAR, this was my very first section ever. I'm pretty sure I failed. The MC's were hard, didn't know what I was doing on the SIMS. I just hope I didn't get below 50% so I don't get super discouraged.



    To be honest, I don't know how anyone passes their first section. The testing setting is intense, exam is strange…it's all new. Trust me, I fell hard on my first one. (Check out my first FAR score). You'll get back up and do it. Don't worry, just move on to the next. You'll be ready next time (and you may have even passed…you never know).

    AUD-84, REG-75, BEC-84, FAR-77

    Licensed CPA

    CIA Exam
    Part 1 - Passed
    Part 2 - Passed
    Part 3 - Passed


    I'm in the same boat. I just took a few days off and now I'm going to continue to study FAR until the scores get released and then register for FAR again. Yeah, I know, I should put my money where my mouth is and just register now but my wife keeps telling me to keep hope and I don't think she'll take too kindly to me paying before I know for “sure”.


    Beardown if youre waiting for a score on FAR you can't register to retake it until 24-48 hours after you get your score. The earliest you can retake it is October. Move on to your next section.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Crap, you're right, mla1169. I completely forgot about that rule.

    Well, I wasted this past week then. Hopefully a month and a half will be enough to study for REG. That is, if there's even slots available at the end of August.

    Thanks for the heads up.


    LetsGet75, you might have passed FAR. FAR was the last exam for me and I felt so lost it wasn't funny but I got an 81, my highest score on any of the exams! Which truly is funny. I will be shocked about that until the day I die.

    I think FAR has to be curved, a LOT. There is no other way I passed it. So try not to get discouraged and just move on to the other sections. You'll get there and you may be 1/4 there already. 🙂

    B: 75

    A: 77

    R: 80

    F: 81

    Ethics: 84, 92 and done!

    Licensed in California

    B: 75
    R: 80
    A: 77
    F: 81
    Ethics: 84, 92 and done!
    Licensed in California

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