Just took FAR..

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  • #1305804

    I just completed the far exam today and i believe it went medium/hard/ no blessed idea…… although I am pretty sure i bombed the sims i put im so mamy zeros and i am hoping for atleast 50 right.. They were all calculation based with little to no information and two research questions, which one i completely guessed on. I do not believe there is a chance on hell i passed and i am soooooo FRUSTRATED about that! Also i have to wait until the 22nd of November for the score.. ahhhhhh the anxiety begins!! Anyone have this experience and pass?

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  • #1305813

    Damn, two research questions. Must mean that 1 was the pretest (hopefully the one you guessed on!)…FYI I didn't think I passed FAR when I took it. Pretty sure I got all medium testlets and didn't ace the sims by any means but I still passed…You just never know. Good luck!


    I know. I was so mad about it !! I was like ahhhh heck?? Really!! This is going to be a long month… eekkk. Thanks for the luck.:-)


    Yeah I felt the same way. Came out thinking I bombed it. I had to wait almost an entire month for the results too. Ending up getting an 86. Still have no idea how.

    I have no clue how the sims are graded and affect your score. A girl at my work said she only completed two sims because she ran out of time and still passed. You did good by putting 0s instead of leaving them blank because there's a chance the answer was 0.

    I bet you passed if the testlets kept getting harder. Good luck!

    FAR: 7/23/16 - waiting for score
    AUD: 9/2/16
    REG: ?
    BEC: ?


    I hate the wait. I thought when i scheduled it, “oh no biggie, just study Aud while you wait.” Ahhh, silly optimistic girl! I am sorry for the spelling errors in the original post. I created this blog on the phone, which tends to make up words or just forget to write them at all. Lol. I am hoping for the best, but i had to get my frustration out about the test:-)



    I took the exam yesterday and was worried because my MCQ didn't “appear” to increase in difficulty.

    I also felt like I did horrible on the TBS. The most frustrating part was the research question. During my CPA review course, I must have done 100 of these and gotten 90-95% of them right. This question was probably the 5-10% I was unable to get right.

    Regardless, as sad as I was yesterday, I realized a lot of people don't pass the first or even second time. Based on what you've said above, you're putting the effort toward it. At some point (hopefully this last attempt), you can certainly pass. All of my friends that are CPAs said they studied way hard, thought they did horrible and they passed…so you and I won't know for a while…but we just have to study for the next one and hope we passed evil FAR. Best of luck to you.


    Thank you for the positive thoughts. I am going to sidtrack myself with studying for AUD. Best of luck to everyone!

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