Just left FAR….

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  • #3062547

    Not feeling great after leaving FAR for the second time. First time around I got a 67. Today I felt okay on the first set of MCQ, but apparently I didnt do too well because it seemed like the second set of MCQ got easier. Sims were a questionable. I know I got the research question correct and I definitely got the majority of points possible on a couple of the other sims. However, the rest of them were tough and I’m hoping for partial credit.

    Anybody feel like the second set of MCQ got easier and still able to pass this beast of an exam? Feeling exhausted, frustrated, and still questioning my answer choices this morning.

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  • #3062631

    Honestly, I don't think I have ever noticed the second testlet of MCQs getting harder. There may have been one exam where it definitely felt like they were more difficult, but I they usually feel the same to me. I don't think too many people feel great after leaving exam, I know I don't normally feel too great. If I do feel good about it, it means I failed haha. You gave it your best, take a day or so to relax and enjoy some free time, and go from there.

    Hoping to hear good news for you come time for your score release!


    I wasn't feeling too great after leaving my exam yesterday either.

    This was my first time sitting for it though. But I don't think it's easy to tell if the second testlet was harder or not. My second testlet had a lot more “definition” questions but I always kind of thought of it like maybe people spent so much time on calculations that they missed the “easy ones”. I know in BEC plenty of people were like I should've studied COSO more and I didn't have a problem with COSO on my exam.

    These 3 weeks will be hard to not think about getting a passing score out of FAR constantly. Good luck to you!


    Just to make you feel better, I got the same question in the second set and third set before, and I don't know what the answer is. I think if you know half of the questions (or be able to get it down to 50/50), then you should pass with a 80.

    New York - NYC
    Passed CPA Exam (11/2014)
    In search for a position in NYC that will fulfills the license requirement.


    Thanks for the responses everyone! If I pass FAR, then I only have one left.

    I did feel like my second testlet was more definition based as well, which is scary because I feel like those are technically easier, but maybe they're not?


    FAR is actually my last exam to pass, then I have my state ethics exam. But I agree, I'm not totally sure how to feel about it, I'm going to continue re-reading ninja notes and doing some mcqs every day until I find out what I got and go from there.

    Sometimes the exam throws you curve balls and maybe I did well enough but I'm not sure how they determine what a “difficult” question is or not.


    Well I feared this day, I received a 74 on FAR. Not sure how long I should wait to test again. Im taking REG in October. Should I attempt to test again before my REG exam?


    I would suggest that you retake FAR again since you recently took that exam and you were so very close. With that said, don't take it lightly and study hard so you go in there feeling confident that you will get over that 74 hump. Make sure to hit those areas that you know you are weaker on. Sorry to hear that you got the dreaded 74, but you were so close and can just go and get it the next time. Good luck.


    @RobOh thank you!

    I'm upset but this tells me I was close and I can do it. But like you said, I need to study hard. I feel like I have retained a lot of the information I learned, so its really just hammering the stuff I'm least comfortable with.


    So close! I agree with Rob, retake FAR. On the previous score release I scored a 74 on AUD, and retook it a week later and passed.

    For that week I spent a lot of time going over weaker areas and doing a lot of simulations since those were a weak point for me. I also did review the other topics I knew well just for any missed nuances. I also spent a couple hours a day going over the Ninja notes and Wiley focus notes, with a goal of getting through them entirely within that week.

    You can absolutely do this! Study hard and go pass FAR. You can do this. Good luck!


    Thanks @CH89!! Im determined to get this done. Truthfully, a close miss has given me way more determination than I thought it would


    I just took FAR on 8/24 and it was brutal. I am not sure how to feel about it. I felt this bad with AUD and REG and ended up passing, I hope this turns out the same way but I just want to know at this point.

    AUD 78
    REG 87
    FAR waiting
    BEC currently studying


    It is Schrodinger's Cat until NASBA opens the box. Just as the cat is both alive and dead, you have both passed and failed until then. Good luck! What will you do till score release?

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different

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