Just got my score for FAR – Question on scoring…

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  • #178027

    Hi guys,

    Pretty depressed. Just got my score for FAR and I did not pass.

    I ended up with a 67 and when I looked at my report, I was a bit confused. I ended with stronger for the MC section (all of them except framework and standards which I got a weaker for), and weaker for simulations. Does that make sense?…… I have passed Reg before and I had weaker, comparable, and only 2 areas with stronger, and of course I got a weaker in sims too. I would think that they curve Far a bit more generous, but it seems like it’s even harder than the other ones?…

    I’m very confused about how to study for my retry before i lose my audit score in August….

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  • #422874


    Has anyone gotten a similar report?

    I just want to know if there is any possibility that my score was a mistake…


    Keep in mind that SIMs are 40% of your exam score. You could have destroyed the MCQs and got, say, 50/60 available percentage points. However, if you did significantly worse than others taking the exams, you could only have been given 17/40 available percentage points. Long story short, you can't pass FAR with just the MCQ

    REG - 83
    FAR - 81
    BEC - 7/1/13
    AUD - 8/31/13


    That's weird you were able to pass REG with a weaker on the SIMs. For FAR and REG, I would say that typically you cannot pass if you get weaker on the SIMs no matter what you get on the MCQs because of how big of a percentage the SIMs are on the two exams. So like Extreme Nerd said, you can't pass FAR by just acing the MCQs alone.

    What I heard about curving is it's based on the group of test takers and their performance in that window. I have had friends swear that it's easier to pass sections in testing windows during busy season than during the summer/fall months. But that's just hearsay.

    Bottom line is… Improve your performce on the SIMs and I think you'll be fine.

    B - 83 Done
    A - 88 Done
    R - 81 Done
    F - 77 Done

    Ethics - Done
    Attest Hours - Done

    Licensed-May 2013!


    Where do we get our reports from? I was emailed my score, but there was no report showing weak, strong or comparable.

    Becker, Wiley Test Bank, and Ninja 10 Point Combo!

    FAR: 89
    REG: 87
    AUD: 92
    BEC: 75
    Ethics: 90

    Licensed Arizona CPA


    MrsBing: I believe you only receive the “weaker, stronger, comparable” score report when you fail a section.


    Some states give you a score report whether you pass or fail, others only when you fail. I'm in MA, and we only get score reports when we fail a section.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Okay so I just got my score last week for my second try at FAR. First try = 66. Second try = 71. Now, I know how hard this exam is. However, my score report comes back and it says Weaker in EVERY topic and both MC and SIMS! How can I be 4 points away from passing, but weaker across the board? What would you do to study for this retake in a few weeks? I don't know where to focus my attention since I apparently am terrible…

    FAR - 66, 71, 76!
    AUD - 75
    REG - 82
    BEC - 83



    @ Vick609 – I got a 74 on REG and for my retake I restudied everything. You will not get the same questions on you retake so you would not want to short yourself and only study certain materials. Study everything again, do endless MC, take notes and you should be good to go when you go for your retake.

    NYS CPA License # 113563
    CIA: Done as of 2/15/14

    Training for a half marathon post studying!


    @Vick, I think it compares you to the people taking the exam in your testing window, not to your prior exam, so you're weaker compared to how others scored.

    Becker, Wiley Test Bank, and Ninja 10 Point Combo!

    FAR: 89
    REG: 87
    AUD: 92
    BEC: 75
    Ethics: 90

    Licensed Arizona CPA


    Hi all – at least for TX, when they give you your score report showing “weaker” “stronger” or “comparable” — they are comparing your scores to other people who scores similarly to you. READ THE SMALL PRINT. For instance, I got a 79 on FAR and they gave me that breakdown based on people who scores 75-80, not the entire population.

    B - (08/29/2013) Passed
    A - (07/02/2013) Passed
    R - (10/17/2013) 73 - Rematch
    F - (05/29/2013) Passed

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