Just failed FAR, looking for advice on next step

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  • #192610

    So I just got my FAR score today, a 70. I think I had some really weird sims that messed me up. I do feel that I was fairly well prepared and scored in the mid 70’s on my becker final exams before I even did a final review.

    The earliest i can retake this is 4/1 but I really don’t think that I need more than a week of restudying. I have already started studying for audit.

    Does anyone think it is a good idea to continue studying audit for the next 13 days or so and then jump back into FAR for a week to prepare for the exam?

    Just wondering if anyone has had a similar situation and how it worked out. I don’t want to overload my head to much but I know I don’t need 3 weeks more of FAR studying.

    Any advice highly appreciated

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  • #656436

    Use NINJA MC if you haven't already. I felt more than prepared for the exam with these and passed

    REG - 82
    AUD - 97
    BEC - 81
    FAR - 84


    I'm planning on getting the Ninja Multiple choice questions. Just not sure if I should continue studying for audit and switch back to far before April or take audit and then switch back to FAR, so confused right now


    I had very similar FAR experience and woke up to a 71 this morning… I wanted to start studying for REG but decided to hold off until I get my score and I’m glad I did. I don’t think it’s a good idea to jump from one exam to another unless you have no other choice. This was my first exam and I want to make sure I pass FAR before I move forward. My plan is to study FAR till the end of the month so I know for sure I gave it my all for a retake.

    “Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit”

    F - 71, 76
    A - 59, 70 ( 3rd time is a charm?)
    R - 2/16
    B - 77


    Sorry about your score. I'm in the same boat as you guys. I honestly though I would score in the mid to low 60's and I ended up with a 73. I answered 0 for half of the sims and didnt finish the research because I ran out of time.

    Lazy- that sounds like a lot to put on your plate, although there is quite bit of overlap between FAR & AUD. If there were any tests that you could do that with, these are it. Good luck to you.

    Reg - 85 11/06/14
    Aud - 89 11/24/15
    Bec - 76 12/10/14
    Far - 84 05/27/15


    Check my signature

    Do that and you will pass.


    After thinking about it a lot today I still have 3 weeks until April so I think I am going to continue studying AUD for at least a week and then switch back to FAR and take it April 1st.

    I really don't need to study FAR for 3 weeks so at least I will be more familiar with AUD when I restart studying it on April 2nd or so.

    Might not be the best idea but it's the best i can think of right now


    I would reconsider your plan. One or two weeks of study for a retake is silly. You're not trying to earn 5 points here. You're trying to earn 75 points. Its a huge difference. I failed FAR with a 71 the first time I took it. I studied an additional 4 weeks and passed with a 76. Its not the same test. It will kick your ass again if your not prepared. There are so many little details from FAR that you will forget once you start studying AUD.

    AUD - 90
    FAR - 71, 76
    REG - 75
    BEC - 76 (bubble sucks)

    Becker + Ninja MCQ's


    I'm with Vern. Don't underestimate how much you need to study for a retake, or all of your strong areas will become weak areas. If you pick up with FAR again immediately and study your butt off, you should be ready to retake it in April. You really have to study it all over again.

    AUD 84 (1/9/14-Wiley books/TB + free materials)
    FAR 83 (5/21/14-the above + NINJA 10 Pt Combo Lite)
    REG 84 (7/9/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC/Notes)
    BEC 76 (10/5/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC)

    Disclaimer: My ninja avatar is not meant to imply that I have any affiliation with this site other than being a forum member. That's a pic of a T-shirt that my daughter gave me for my birthday. 🙂


    Definitely reconsider your plan for retaking FAR. Honestly you need to prepare as if you've never taken it before. If you studied 100 hours for your 70, plan to study at least 120 for your retake. It is a mistake to feel like you “only need 5 more points.” You need 75 more points. And as someone who has received a 71 on a section, those 5 points do reveal a deficiency that a week won't compensate for.

    And unless you are either unemployed or on the verge of losing credit for an exam, taking two in the same window isn't a great idea. I know people want to just knock them out but very few people can pass 2 exams in the same window.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I agree with others on this post. You really need to treat this like your first test. I also failed the first time with a 71 and the only reason I didn't do worse was because I got lucky. The second test was definitely harder than my first and thankfully I passed with a 79…which to me is barely passing, especially after all the studying I put in the second time. I studied about 25 hours a week for about 8 weeks. I re-watched all videos, took notes, didn't skip any sections, really nailed the concepts and worked a lot of MCQs from Roger test bank and NINJA MCQs. You can do this but you'll have to put in the time. Good luck with everything!

    FAR - (11/01/14) 71 (02/07/15) 79
    AUD - (04/30/15) 86
    BEC - (07/21/15) 73 (10/01/15) 75
    REG - (11/30/15) 55 (05/19/16) 74


    I have to say I agree with the several people before me. I'm studying for a FAR retake and I'm starting from scratch as if I hadn't studied before. I'm not attempting it until the end of May because I want to take full advantage of this chance to pass. If I were you I would do 1 of 2 things:

    1. Continue studying for AUD full force and take it whenever you planned on taking it before you found out you failed FAR. Then begin studying for FAR from scratch, even if that means next testing window. This might be a good option if you're burned out on FAR.

    2. Scrap AUD and study for FAR like you did the first time. Once that test is over with start on AUD.

    Don't waste your time (and your opportunity this window) by only studying for a couple weeks for a retake.

    AUD 80
    REG 76
    FAR 1/2015 - 73, 5/2015 - 72, 7/2015 - 76!
    BEC 81

    Laura M.

    I agree with others. I wouldn't look as a restudy for a few more points. I took FAR twice and it was about a year in between the two times. Had I re-studied for a few more points (I got a 74 my first time) I would have failed, because my 2nd exam was COMPLETELY different from the first in what they focused on. I would finish studying for AUD, take that and then restudy for FAR like you are taking it for the first time. It shouldn't take you as long simply because the stuff you learned will be so fresh, but I wouldn't breeze over any topics that weren't on your first exam because you will probably see them on your second! Good luck!

    FAR - 82
    AUD - 79 (lost credit), 75
    BEC - 76
    REG - 91

    CPAexcel and Ninja Notes and Ninja MCQ


    @LazyL, I agree with the rest, reconsider your plan. FAR was the first section I sat and ended up passing it on my fifth sitting in my attempt of alternating FAR and AUD. Not a good move and if I had to do it again, I would stick to one section to pass it before moving onto the next part.

    Your score of 70 for FAR for a first attempt just says you know the materials well. You will surely nail it on your next attempt. Just don't lose the fresh information you've accumulated by pursuing a different section at this time. Just a friendly advice!

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