How is everyone doing?
I miss this thread & circle of contributors too!
My latest “projects” include preparation to take & pass last section (BEC) and get promoted. But, as I have found out today, NOTHING, not even a CPA exam comes closer to an incapacitating anxiety and worst bloopers I experience on and off lately while seeking out promotion or new (upgraded) position. It is simply dreadful.
Most recent experience: researched company, did all I could including looking over latest 10-K filing, polished answers to traditional “tell me about yourself?” and so on questions only to completely botch very innocent question about why this company and not their competitor. OMG, the stuff I was mumbling, lets say I just want to drink myself to sleep and completely forget the otherwise decent experience that I've somehow managed to ruin, yukkk on me :((
I find that job-related stuff is far more worse than taking a CPA exam. Exam can be retaken, but recruiters don't tend to give a second chance!
Having that said, back to BEC studies, i'm on chapter 6 out of 6, yahoo!
Becker Class of Jan - Aug 2013: FARB DONE!!!!
CPA license pending π