Jan/Feb FAR Fam – check in – - Page 3

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  • #176548

    Hey FAR FAM, I can see some of you posting, but it’s hard to search out my FAR fam posts from all the others.

    I will get my score along with Hustlin’ tomorrow morning (CA).

    But let’s use this to catch up!

    LSNYC, IgotThis,CPAwannabe, I saw your passes!!!! Congrats!

    A:[73]97 F:[74]85 R:86 B:[74]82
    *NINJA 10 Pt. COMBO & Yaeger*

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  • #428730

    Hello my fare family!

    First off congratulations to everyone that passed! Also NAM, super excited for you. You definitely deserved that 84!

    Thank you guys so much for the emotional support and I definitely couldn't have done it without you!

    I'm going have to take a 2 month break from the site since I have a family member who recently suffered a bad stroke but I will be with everyone spiritually!

    Good luck to everyone and stay strong to everyone that didn't make it this time. Don't give up! It took me 5 tries but I finally got Fare under my belt!

    Also MCLKT and peetree; you guys don't need luck; you had it in the bag from the beginning!


    Igotthis – ill be thinking of you and your family. Stay strong

    A - 61, 91!!
    B - 78!
    F - 76!!!
    R - 71, 73, 74, 69, 77!!!!

    Finally done!

    This is my 2nd attempt at the exam, I had two parts passed (failed many) and I stupidly quit, big mistake. Now I'm back and with a vengeance!


    I passed with an 83!!! Good luck to those who are still waiting to receive scores…and to those who failed, remember this is not the end, swallow the pill and keep going! There are few on here who havent failed an exam(or two or three) chalk it up to experience and nail it next time. For motivation i suggest reading MCLKT's post about her AUD exam…very inspirational!

    Remember, it's not if we become CPA's…its WHEN we become CPA's. WE ALL CAN DO IT!

    Experience-Got that too

    Used Becker 2013 Self-Study & NINJA 10pt Combo Lite(AUD)


    congrats NAM!!!! It took me a while to stop shaking and crying this afternoon!


    @Jsmith- you studied three hours total right??? LOL lucky!!! That may be an A71 record

    B 71 - 79 EXPIRED
    A 69 - 75 EXPIRED
    R 65 - 48 - 45
    F 56 - 61 - 65 - 64

    Becker, Wiley Test Bank, Wiley Text and Ninja Notes

    "The fish who keeps on swimming is the first to chill upstream" -311

    Experience - Done, like WAAAY done.
    Still need 30 more credits, in basket weaving (gotta love new CA requirements)


    @Hustlin, no that wasnt me…I told some guy to go ahead and take it even though he had only studied 3 hours, i think his NTS was running out or something along those lines. I studied for 7 weeks and felt pretty good with the material going into the test, thought I Aced the MCQ's and did ok on the SIMS, i guess i was right!

    Anyone else here have AUD next?

    Experience-Got that too

    Used Becker 2013 Self-Study & NINJA 10pt Combo Lite(AUD)


    whoops! Sorry!

    B 71 - 79 EXPIRED
    A 69 - 75 EXPIRED
    R 65 - 48 - 45
    F 56 - 61 - 65 - 64

    Becker, Wiley Test Bank, Wiley Text and Ninja Notes

    "The fish who keeps on swimming is the first to chill upstream" -311

    Experience - Done, like WAAAY done.
    Still need 30 more credits, in basket weaving (gotta love new CA requirements)


    Congrats to all who passed. Good luck to all of those waiting.

    @MCLKT….bond girls never fail πŸ™‚


    Still no score. Going to sleep again.

    FAR - 92 02/2013
    AUD - 90 05/2013
    REG - 85 10/2013
    BEC - 80 12/2013




    I'm in shock! I really thought I was borderline. This is awesome!

    I hope the next study group is as active and helpful as the FAR Fam. I couldn't have done it, and wouldn't have been as motivated without you all.

    Nam, Peetree, LSNYC, Flip, IgotThis, all you bros πŸ™‚ thank you! And everyone that is moving to REG πŸ™‚ See you there!!!!!

    A:[73]97 F:[74]85 R:86 B:[74]82
    *NINJA 10 Pt. COMBO & Yaeger*


    61. Woooow. Well, can't say I didn't expect it. Congrats passers, but looks like I'm going back….

    B 71 - 79 EXPIRED
    A 69 - 75 EXPIRED
    R 65 - 48 - 45
    F 56 - 61 - 65 - 64

    Becker, Wiley Test Bank, Wiley Text and Ninja Notes

    "The fish who keeps on swimming is the first to chill upstream" -311

    Experience - Done, like WAAAY done.
    Still need 30 more credits, in basket weaving (gotta love new CA requirements)


    68 πŸ™ doesn't make sense when i compare my two score reports. This sucks.

    But congrats to NAM and everyone else who passed. I'm skipping to BEC and then i'll return to FAR.


    @mclkt —- wohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I screamed as loud as this ,,,,,, yoooooooo so freaking happyyyyyyyy wowwwwwwww

    U deserve it wow 85 lol


    :(hustin and cpa4 bday present : don't be dishearten if I can do it you can do it … I have faith in you guy hang in there !! You are half way there !! πŸ™‚


    We haven't heard from peetree yet. I think he is searching the web for the best tumbler picture that would accurately portray his score of “99” on the exam! LOL

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