I've come this far, but will I never pass FAR?

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  • #177834

    I had my fourth round with FAR yesterday. I took a week off from work in addition to studying for two months for the retake. I used Becker self study, Becker Final Review, NINJA notes and Wiley testbank.

    I felt confident, but the test was awful. I had confidence with the topics harder that I didn’t have a good grasp on last time…only to lose knowledge on other items. I looked up many items that I felt unsure about when I got home, and I messed them all up. The MCQs weren’t too bad, but the SIMS were a nightmare. I think I would be lucky to get 25% of the SIM points. I’m freaking out at this point.

    I have one more chance to pass FAR before my AUD expires. At this point I am crushed, since I have been able to conquer the other exams without too much issue. If I failed, I have no idea how to prepare for the last chance, since I feel that I’ve studied as much as I can. Has anyone else experience this with FAR? June 7 cannot come soon enough…

    AUD-84, REG-75, BEC-84, FAR-77

    Licensed CPA

    CIA Exam
    Part 1 - Passed
    Part 2 - Passed
    Part 3 - Passed

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  • #416081

    It took me 4 tries on REG. Don't give up. Stick with it; it's definitely worth it now looking back.

    FAR 69, 74, 78
    REG 69, 69, 69, 82
    BEC 75
    AUD 76


    I left feeling defeated and thinking I bombed on the SIMs too.

    I think you still have a pretty good chance of passing, we tend to exaggerate our feelings towards this exam, lol.

    FAR (5/07/13): 96



    You must be a perfectionist beating yourself up over a 96%! Ha, j/k. I was just surprised that I felt so much more prepared, and the same after the exam as the others that I got 71s on. I guess there is always a chance…

    AUD-84, REG-75, BEC-84, FAR-77

    Licensed CPA

    CIA Exam
    Part 1 - Passed
    Part 2 - Passed
    Part 3 - Passed


    @memmy29, Hangin there, If I can pass you can pass. I dont now if this will help but I made it my duty to master Gov & NFP and as many JE's as I can. The Sims can have drop boxes or JE. I only used Wiley TB for FAR and was getting 75% on all topics except for Gov & NFP which I was scoring 100%. I figured I would be comparable on everything else, but if I can get those to be Stronger I would pass. I just BEC and hopefully I am DONE!!

    So Stay Up, You will pass it next time.

    AUD 57,{75}
    REG 65,{78}
    FAR 64,68,72,{75}
    BEC 68,{78}
    Becker 1st Time Around in 2010. NOW, Becker MCQ's & Wiley TestBank W/Ninja Notes 2012-2013


    @memmy, as long as you gave it your best shot, you shouldn't beat yourself up over it. It's done; take a breath, and when the score comes, whatever it is, figure out your game plan if need be. You are obviously very capable and smart enough to pass this exam. I know it's easier said than done since I've been there, but just try to let go for the time being. Try not to look for answers, I have no clue how you even remember anything that was on the exam 🙂 My mind goes completely blank after taking it!

    R - 74;88
    A - 84
    B - 74;89
    F - no study = 67; May 15 = 87 & done


    @Tina – Thanks. I'll try to get distracted 🙂

    AUD-84, REG-75, BEC-84, FAR-77

    Licensed CPA

    CIA Exam
    Part 1 - Passed
    Part 2 - Passed
    Part 3 - Passed


    One thing that I found that really helps is to look over your old college textbooks. They usually illustrate concepts with tons of journal entries and kind of guide you through the big picture. Helped me tons in understanding the concepts, rather than memorizing things.

    FAR (5/07/13): 96


    Hey Memmy,

    I took FAR today and my experience is similar to yours. MCQ's made me feel like I didn't study at all and the SIMS were a complete nightmare.I didnt feel this bad about my test since the first attempt and I've been studying like crazy.

    The score release date was moved to June 10th, so I wont know my score until the saturday before probably.

    FAR - Bad Fail '11, Fail '12, Fail '13, PASS It's a miracle!
    AUD - Fail, PASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BEC - PASS!!!!!!!!
    REG - PASS!!!!!!!! And I'm done!


    @Memmy I haven't taken FAR yet, but I went through this with Auditing! On my third try, I was 100% sure I'd nailed it and ended up with a 68. I walked out of my fourth attempt feeling awful about the exam and was anticipating a 5th attempt and I ended up with a 92. So clearly we have NO barometer for these tests feel vs. how we actually perform!!!

    Take the next few days and allow yourself to consider the possibility that you will see a 75+ on the 7th and have earned your freedom!!!!!! You said so yourself that you did all you could and that is something to be proud of…so no regrets! Kick back this weekend, treat yourself to a nice dinner and a bottle of wine, and I'm sure will be calling you CPA Memmy29 soon!!! 🙂

    REG: 75 DONE 🙂
    AUD: 61, 71, 68, 92 DONE 🙂
    BEC: 76 DONE 🙂
    FAR: 72, 74, 79 DONE 🙂
    Licensed Michigan CPA 🙂
    -Some people dream of success...others wake up and work hard for it!!!
    -The cowards never start and the weak die along the way!
    -You better work, b***h!
    -Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.-JFK


    Oh I need to find all of my rants after my FAR exam!!! LOL, I was so mad. Like pissed off thought it wasn't fair. I probably failed and I was just pleading for a 75. Anyways, all that frustration and I ended up passing 🙂

    Hang in there, and don't give up. You are soooo close and after getting 3 passes and the will to try FAR FOUR times, you deserve this.

    I bet you passed 🙂

    A:[73]97 F:[74]85 R:86 B:[74]82
    *NINJA 10 Pt. COMBO & Yaeger*


    I was so sure I had failed FAR on my last attempt that I wouldn't even check the score. I made Sandra do it. I left Prometric MAD!!! When I say MAD I mean, do not mess with me because I will shoot you, stuff your pockets with marshmallows and dump your body in an alligator infested swamp, kind of mad. I had Eminem cranked up all the way home. 25 to Life, Goin' Through Changes, Talkin' 2 Myself and Beautiful over and over for 2 hours! I was sick of everything to do with the CPA exam.

    All I could do was cry when Sandra called me and told me I was gonna be a #$#%@#@ CPA. I got an 85. You never know with these exams. So for now, it is what it is and you can't change it. Just keep moving forward and know that you can't change the past.

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