Is the Retail Inventory Method Tested?

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  • #1838122

    For people who have sat FAR recently, is the retail inventory method tested? Becker did not cover it and I have forgotten how to do it.

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  • #1838134

    It could be tested. Becker does have some MCQs on it. I would get those wrong in the review phase, and when I saw the required calculations required, I figured that it was not worth it to really learn it. The review courses do not cover everything in their lectures. They only cover what they think is most likely to be on the exam. That's why most people say to hammer MCQs non stop.


    We're not allowed to disclose that. As Turo9992000 wrote, it could be tested.

    FAR in particular is an inch deep and a mile wide! No one could even begin to predict which of the more lightly covered items might pop up.


    Based on how much it's covered in my study material, it's not that important of a topic. I wouldn't spend that much time on it.


    roger covers it. whoever came up with that should be throat punched. I am familiar with it on a high level but not spending time diving into it

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