Is it a guarantee that if you think you did well you failed and vice versa? - Page 2

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  • #193927

    I took my first FAR test today and felt indifferent, maybe my last testlet being harder. Sims were tough but manageable. I thought I did well enough to pass; not amazing. Flagged maybe 4 per testlet and made good guesses on them.

    I’ve read that people who think they failed actually passed and those who thought they passed actually failed. So now I’m terrified.

    Is this 100% true or is it just a small sample size. Meaning only the people who have that happen to them respond?

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC

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  • #666181

    @Casey thank you for explaining your experiences! I felt a similar way for FAR. I could tell they were a little more difficult but I've done so many MCQ I had seen most before and could narrow the answer down if I didn't know. So I didn't feel lost looking at them haha. I know I got one J/E account wrong but I think the numbers were right for SIMS. And had one I didn't really know how to do too well.

    Crossing my fingers!

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC


    I should also add that I finished FAR with an hour and a half left, and everyone said “OMG! You should have managed your time better! You probably bombed the MCQs because you rushed through them!” Yeah, not so much. My advice would be don't let other people convince you that your exam experience should be the same as theirs.


    I finished with about an hour left! I'm with you, we didn't rush through. I was just efficient I felt. Thanks for the advice πŸ™‚

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC


    I walked out of BEC knowing in my heart of hearts that I knew the material really well. I didn't feel like my testlets got significantly harder, so I was a little concerned, but again, I did think that I studied enough to know the material and that I should pass unless I completely misread questions.

    Got my result back and it was an 88. Since my case shows that thinking you passed = passing, the title of your thread is not a guarantee.

    FAR - 84
    AUD - 76 (phew)
    BEC - 88
    REG - 77



    That's exactly how I feel! Hopefully my score works out like yours πŸ™‚

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC


    First time I took FAR, I left the exam feeling like hit or miss. I told everyone either I passed or failed with a 74. What do you know, I failed with what? a 74! That's the absolute worst feeling in the world. What I tell my friends and family when they ask “did you pass?”, is if it were solely based on X number right out of 72 for BEC, or X number of right out of 90, then yea for every test after FAR I left the exam feeling like I got the majority right (thus passed). However, this isn't how the exam is graded, Harder questions weigh more than Medium ones, etc. Plus I have no idea how they evaluate SIMS.So I say you can FEEL one way and the out come be completely different. This is the one test in life where you don't know for sure until you see the score posted. Good luck!



    Interesting question. I think it happens to everybody and that there probably is some psychological merit to it. The CPA can't test all matter, but the more you study, the more you'll learn. Also, the more you learn, the more you realize how much more information there is that's unlearnable. I would say that I scored better on tests where I was anxious to represent more knowledge (or scared that I missed something) versus studying lightly thinking I knew everything only to be stumped by some obscure exemption or loophole.


    So tests where you over prepared you did better on? This was my first test and I put in 300+ hrs easily. I wanted to be over prepared and I think I got a decent grasp on everything

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC


    i'd say no. I feel pretty bad ass walking out of FAR. Didn't score 95+ but I passed.


    Blew through BEC in an hour and a half, knew forsure I passed. Ended up getting an 80.


    The CPA exams is like a woman. They're often a mystery.

    *Holds CPA Review book up to blocks trash & high heel shoes thrown at*


    Hahahah that's hilarious

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC


    I've thought i've failed every single time….i've failed twice and passed 4 so I dont think its a “Guarantee” lol.

    My scores have ranged from 67 – 91 and I feel just as confident I failed every time.

    BEC - PASS JULY 2014
    FAR - PASS DEC 2014
    AUD - PASS FEB 2015
    REG - PASS MAY 2015


    I thought I completely bombed FAR like I wouldn't have been surprised if I got a 50 but somehow I passed.

    I thought I did really well in AUD but passed by only 4 points.

    For all I know, they could've mixed up my scores but hey I'd take the passing grade!


    It sounds like nobody has any idea of how they'll do hahah

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC

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