I'm unemployed an have five weeks to take either audit or reg…. Which one?

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  • #195409

    Which should I study for?

    I worked in audit for 9 months but got fired recently. I did one tax internship but only prepared individual returns. I took a pretty rigorous tax course and got a c plus in it two years ago.

    I took my audit class online through una/ wiley and did the bare minimum to pass with a 60 something for the credits two years ago.

    I want to take one more exam this window. I’m going on vacation for four days the third week of August so i was planning on taking the exam August 18 or 19.

    Since I’m unemployed I can study quite q but. I do 2-4 hour chunks throughout the day.

    I’m having trouble deciding because I have been quite depressed since taking far last week. I prepared for a little over two months and got fired while studying for it. I left prometric feeling blindsided…. I felt like I may have failed. also found out I have a medical condition the week after I got fired and had to go in for tests and ultrasounds days before I sat for far. I’m ok but I might be unable to have kids. I’m only in my mid twenties. I tried staying positive about all this but I could barely get myself to study today. I did a couple becker mqs in audit and reg to try to figure out what I felt like doing…. Still can’t decide.

    I think I just need some direction and once I start diving into becker I’ll start feeling better. So with my unemployed lifestyle, work history, and academic history what do you all recommend I study for and aim to sit for in 5 weeks?

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  • #681868

    Sorry to hear about your problems. If you really want to have kids one day, finding out that you may never be able to can be pretty devastating. I'm currently trying to get pregnant and after every failed try I think maybe there is something wrong with me and and I can't have kids. However, if it's just a “maybe” that you will not be able to get pregnant, try to keep positive (easier said than done, I know).

    Regarding the exam, since you're going thru so many personal issues, I would suggest studying for a part that you at least kind of like. It'll be easier to get into it if you have a slight interest in the subject.

    Good luck!

    "It's choice not chance that determines your destiny".


    Thanks for the advice! I'm leaning slightly towards audit now because I figured with going to the dr for more tests and updating the resume I should just aim to take audit in this window and try to enjoy summer. I think if I took reg it would be intense studying everyday to be ready and if I needed to reschedule it there would be too large of a gap between end of August and October and I'd start forgeting things.

    I also want to build my confidence up and take audit even tho it seems like most of my old coworkers who passed the entire exam in a year or less went in a very specific order of 1. Far, 2. Reg, and then aud or bec whenever.

    I was trying not to care too much about my medical issue but I think blocking it out made it worse. I'm not even mentally ready and always thought I would be ok if I never got around to having kids although I wouild like them one day but this news has made me realize how important the idea of one day starting a family is to me.

    The good thing is that there are a lot of options for helping conceive out there in case we need them. There are different medications people with what I have can take to help before having to try to get the more expensive fertility treatments.


    Audit is the easiest to study for in my opinion. All the information ties together. You'll start to notice key words or phrases in practice questions that will lead you to the correct answer before you've finished the question.

    Grab NINJA MCQ and just grind for 5 weeks.

    FAR - 91
    REG - 88
    AUD - 98
    BEC - 88


    I would tend to take the opposite approach of @needcoffee. If you're unemployed right now, you are never ever going to have a better opportunity to study undistracted. I would pick the subject matter that I thought was the hardest.


    I would do AUD to built your confidence first, but honestly right now if you have the money I would take a few weeks off and either go on a vacation or do something fun. I also would start a workout routine. This situation seems to have more to do with the instability in your life right now and not the difficulty of the exam materials. Take it from someone who was fired a year ago. Honestly, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. This is a temporary stage and all obstacles can be overcome.

    BEC - 82
    REG - 86
    FAR - 85
    AUD - 84 and I'm out!!!!!
    Ethics - 95
    In Skynet's Honor:
    Act I: Shutdown Skynet and prevent Judgment Day.
    Act II: Add a comma and three letters to my title.
    Act III: Time Travel and marry a young Denise Richards (and prevent subsequent plastic surgery),return to present.
    Act IV: Serve as Successor to Elon Musk as CEO of Tesla.
    Act V: Ensure Judgment Day has been stopped. Utopia achieved.

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