I received three warnings before signing out. Is this a normal experience?

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  • #178552

    I took FAR yesterday, and finished everything left 43 seconds before time out. I hit the “Quit Exam” button. There was first warning showed up on the computer screen saying something like I may not able to get back to test after signing out and warn me to check see whether I completed everything. I was very sure I have completed all the MCs and simulations, so I hit yes, and then the second warning which is the same the first one pop up. After I hit yes button, the final warning pop up. I am not sure is this a normal signing out experience or I did something wrong.

    I took BEC a month ago and passed it. However, I could not remember the signing out experience was same as this one.

    I keep on thinking about whether I did something wrong. Please help.

    BEC_82 Passed

    FAR Took on July 5

    REG Aug 15

    AUD Aug 30

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  • #425245

    Don´t worry! this is how it works if you submit your exam before the time is expired.

    There are always 3 warnings, so that in case you hit the submit button by mistake (also 2 times) you still have the option to continue.


    Thank you for letting me know, Cessna. I can finally sleep well;)

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