I need your prayers

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  • #185969

    I hate to be selfish, but I need your guys’ prayers for my exam. I just left the testing center..

    I only had 6 weeks to prepare.. ended up taking way longer to go through all 10 chapters of Becker, NINJA notes, and Wiley Focus Notes than I had anticipated. that left me with only 2 days for a “review”, in which I redid the questions I missed for 6 out of the previous 10 chapters. I also went through the 2 final exams real fast.

    I flagged about 5 MCQs on the first testlet, 9-10 on the 2nd one, and 5 on the last one. Sims were definitely not as difficult as the first time I took it 2 years ago. research question was easy and probably took me 5 minutes. There was one particular sim that I had trouble with, but the other 5 I felt comfortable with.

    Please pray or cross your fingers and toes that I pass! or, any words of support or encouragement is appreciated. I can’t wait to be done with this! If I don’t pass, I only have 2 more chances before my AUD score expires..

    I love you guys and A71 for your love and support over the past 2 years!!!

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    I will pray for you,but you have to pray for me too 🙂 How did you do on the MC part of the Becker Final exams? Each test had about 90 MC questions.



    CannotPassAgain, my experience was very similar to yours. I felt like I was making more educated guesses than anything. I flagged quite a few in the second testlet, and I felt like the third testlet got easier which isn't a good sign. Good luck, I'm feeling very anxious for the score release. I took FAR today too btw..

    Gian, I scored 70 with becker practice exams. I felt good going into the exam and awful afterwards. In my opinion, the exam was nothing like becker… Or maybe I wasn't prepared enough.. we will see next week. Good luck to you both!


    Boxermama, I hope we don’t break the chain. See the below thread=


    This is the reason why I was cannotpass about her Becker score.



    Thanks for the link! I had a similar experience with audit. I can't remember what my becker scores were, but I want to say they were in the 70's ranges and I got a 91 on the actual exam. I just know that I will be far more happier with a 75 for FAR than my audit score lol. FAR is a beast and I really just want to be done with it!!! Good luck tomorrow! I am sure you will do great! What are your becker scores btw?


    I just did the MC part cause I heard from the thread that the simulations were easy, and I dint have time. I did the first 90 and got a 76% and then I did the first 30 of the second exam and got a 73%. I missed some of the NFP and IFRS questions. I was able to go over NFP and calculations on IFRS but no theory.

    Like I said before, I hope we both don’t break the chain. I won’t post on that thread until I know my real score. You should post your Audit score.



    I will post both of my scores when I receive my FAR score. I really hope we don't break the chain too. However, I do feel worse about the actual exam than the becker exams. Everybody says that becker is harder than the actual exam, but I feel that I really struggled during the actual exam. But I also didn't take some sections as seriously as I should have. Good luck tomorrow, it sounds like you are prepared! You definitely seem better prepared than I was! I would recommend trying to get a good night sleep and go in refreshed tomorrow. You got this!! I look forward to hearing about your experience!


    Prayers and faith! Please let me join in on this, the more prayers the better. It's funny because during my test experience, I felt God wanted me to evaluate my walk with him. I kept making 74's on AUD and I KNEW the material, but I felt it was just like my Christian walk. I know the bible but if I were to take an exam for being a Christian, I would fall 1 point short. I have faith!!! 🙂

    REG - 75
    BEC - 76
    AUD - 76
    FAR - 84, DONE 11/9/14!


    I understand how all you guys feel about taking the CPA exam and walking out afterwards – not knowing if you passed or not. I will leave the results to Him when I take mine. I hope you guys all do well. It will just be a reliever when all this is done and away with. I am not even doing this to one day climb the ladder or make more money, I just want to get this done and away with. It's been taking away my life and I have to force myself to study this every night. Don't give up!

    “There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every person, and it can never be filled by any created thing. It can only be filled by God, made known through Jesus Christ.” (Blaise Pascal) *Revelation 3:20, Isaiah 53, John 14:6, Ephesians 2:8-10*


    @Gian I never take the Becker final exams — I simply click through and read the answer explanations. much better use of my time if you ask me! i don't pray, but i will definitely cross my fingers, toes, and hairs for you!!!!! 5/30 will be a lucky day for both of us!!! june 9th, right?

    @BoxerMama judgin by your 91 on AUD, you know how to study well! i have no doubt you passed FAR! time to celebrate this weekend!

    @sstephenson you got this girl! like i said, i don't pray, but i will cross all 11 toes and fingers for you!!!!

    @jaemanminard thank you!!! June 9th..the wait is killing me!


    CPA Prayer Circle! Remember in REG Tim Gearity tells you to donate to your Church and Pray!

    You guys listen to him on everything else so don't ignore him now!!!!

    I bet you nailed it TC, if you flagged so few questions you probably obliterated it! I had way more issues in REG but got a nice high score.

    Pray for me on AUD! The wait is almost over…




    This may be a dumb question, but if you don't believe in prayer, then why would you ask other people to pray for you?

    FAR 82
    REG 76
    BEC 71, 78 (There is a light!!!)
    AUD 69, 83 (DONE!!!!)


    Zumbas, I was going to ask him the same question.



    Unfortunately, a prayer won't do much now that you already have taken the exam. The time to pray is before the exam. Pray for a clear head and a long attention span.

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