How you felt walking out of FAR - Page 2

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  • #2252310

    I just took FAR and felt as though the sims came out from left field; anyone feel not confident at all and still pass???

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  • #2257863

    I knew I failed. The question was how bad? I thought 30-40. The SIMS were super difficult! I did fail with a 63. I’m going to retake it in June.


    When I took FAR a few years ago, i was studying the section for almost 7 months.

    The SIMS were so BRUTAL that after walking out of the testing room, i felt like an Idiot.

    You had that feeling like FAR was mocking you. “You really want to be an accountant? Seriously? have you thought about Marketing instead Bro?”

    Yeah, that's what it was like.


    Hungry and feeling like I did no studying for 8 weeks.


    I took FAR this Friday and felt terrible walking out of the testing center. Granted, I knew it would be difficult seeing as I was cramming all the information in to take it before the blackout window.

    I plan to continue to study FAR during the blackout and retake it in mid April (I need to pass REG before I lose BEC on 5/31).

    Any suggestions on how to study for a retake? I had to skip all the sims just to get through the material in time to take the exam. I know I'd benefit from a thorough review and sim exposure but is there any other areas where I should focus on while going through the material a second time?

    2019 is my year

    I took FAR in January, and felt it felt impossible. It was very heavily weighted towards one topic to the point that I had three sims that were almost the exact same. I wasn't confident on my research question, and I had only one sim that I felt like I got 100% correct. I couldn't really tell if my MCQs got harder or not. I ended up with a 79. Almost the same story with REG and ended up with an 85 on that. You never know until you get your scores. I felt good about BEC when I took. I just took AUD and felt good about that exam too, which kind of worries me. Only with the CPA will you ever feel like a test was easy and think it's a bad thing.


    This thread is making me feel like maybe I have a chance of having passed after all!

    I walked out of FAR on Saturday feeling like absolute garbage. The MCQs seemed really uneven (so heavily weighted toward my worst topic) and the SIMs were just a disaster (left two nearly blank, totally ran out of time). Definitely the worst I've felt about a section!


    I felt terrible after FAR, even if I finished all the sims (albeit with literally 15 seconds to spare). I was actually making plans to retake the test, but I think having REG scheduled 4 weeks after FAR helped get my mind off dwelling on it too much. I ended up with an 89.


    Hi Nate,
    How did you make a big improve from first and second test? Did you study any other materials beside the NINJA?




    Nope, used the exact same material actually, just took it way more serious. First time around, I scheduled all 4 at once and way too close to each other and I didn't give myself near enough time to study. I spent 3 weeks studying for FAR, about a week studying for AUD, and about 5 days studying for BEC. It was a miracle I got as close as I did on BEC. Then, after life settled down, I decided to take the tests again. I only used Roger again, nothing else, and I just studied, studied, and studied more. I gave myself about a month for BEC and two months for the other three, and I only applied for one exam at a time and scheduled it as close as I could to the end of the testing period so I'd get my score back quickly and would know if I could move on to the next exam or go back and re-study. I studied about 3 hours every weeknight, 10 hours on Saturdays, and 5 hours on Sundays. Like I said, I just studied, studied, and studied some more, and I only used Roger and it worked great for me.

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