How to study FAR.. Need some tips! Retaking in November

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    Failed FAR in Q3 with 57. Going to retake FAR end of November (would like to pass this time) and take AUD in Jan. Please give me any tips to study/ what to focus on/ how to study

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    I can't offer advice on where to study but I would recommend taking notes and going over them. Also rewriting my notes helped me. What study course are you using?


    I am using Becker. Are notes useful? The last time I took FAR, i spent so much times on doing notes and lectures 🙁



    Your score increase in FAR was rather significant to say the least. What did you do differently from your first attempt to your second? Seriously, I'm extremely impressed and intrigued when I see score increases like that.

    I'm tired of operating in fear and mediocrity. It's time to try. It's time to do. It's time to go.


    I used Becker as well. First time I just used the video and skimmed the MPC. I was recovering from a pretty bad flu and felt horrible on that first exam. The second time was better. I did the videos. Did more mpc and went threw Final Review a couple of times. I also rewrote the Ninja notes a couple of times. Honestly if you already tried the notes then I guess it would be more mpcs. I think for me I probably did poorly on the mpc…I was averaging low when I took them in both Becker and ninja. I think the time I spent reviewing simulations and the answers leading up to the exam helped me. Plus the simulations I got I was confident in.


    I have go 57 on FAR. I have was stronger in MPC and Weaker in the simulation. I was using only Becker. I have purchased Ninja MCQ. I will rewrite the note. I will try to do the MPC 33 under 45 min. I am going to study sim. I will rewrite the note. I am planing to take it end of November like you and audit in January.


    @ Born to win The way I studied FAR worked for me. I don't think it would work for everyone. I didn't do much mpc and focused on videos and rereading my notes for the first two months. I didn't really take notes but it was mostly whatever Becker tells you to write and highlight. I ordered Final Review after my first score was so horrible. I had three weeks for review…(total study time for FAR was 3 months) and I used that time to go over Final Review. I took the mpc and made sure I understood the sims. I think I do better with theory so I tried to understand how it all fit together. My mpc score was horrible so I gave up on that and started to rewrite my notes from Ninja. I basically rewrote notes and reviewed Final Review. There was just so much material for FAR that I realized going over the main textbook in the final two weeks was pointless. I went with a strength which for me is SIMS. My MPC scores in AUD and FAR were always low. Didn't want to get depressed right before I took the exam. lol.


    Also forgot to add that I made sure to manage my time. I averaged around a minute a question. If I didn't know it I did my best and moved forward. I thought that with MPC staring at the answer won't help you answer it. You either knew it or didn't. It helped to insure that I had lots of time for sims. With sims I felt that with time and research I had a shot to answer the question. I could do my best and figure it out. Every exam I took except for REG I took the full amount of time. Checking and rechecking sims. With BEC, AUD, and FAR I know it helped me alot. With AUD on my retake I remember changing two sims completely since I had time to recheck sims with research.


    Same @CPAnoob, got a 59 not much higher but I will need to pass this exam too in Nov. My date is Nov 18. My plan for retake: Read over each section (take minimal notes) do the practice skills in Becker. Then do the MCQ.. Rinse and repeat for each subsection per chapter then do the SIMS. Rather than doing a comprehensive at the end I plan on doing comprehensive every other chapter so constantly refreshing instead of feeling lost and overwhelm trying to relearn earlier chapters. Good luck!


    Thanks @IwannabeaCPA2017! I was wondering if i should go with your plan (Im afraid I have not enough time – FAR @ 11/27) or should i just tackle ALL the questions on the progress test and stimulation?

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