How to prepare for a retake – FAR

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  • #2234229

    So I sat for my first exam, FAR, on February 12 and just got my score. I got a 70, I am not too bummed about it seeing that it was my first exam and I plan on hopping right back in and studying for it again through March and testing in early April.
    With that being said, what ways have you had success when it comes to restudying for a failed exam? I know it is important to go through the entire course material again, but is it necessary to spend as long on it? I initially studied for 2 months and did a terrible job at reviewing which I think is depicted in my score.
    Multiple choice killed me. I was Comparable with SIMs and Weaker with MCQs. The MCQs I had seemed so easy (short, one line conceptual questions), the problem is I just couldn’t recall the details/topics.
    My main goal is to pass FAR before I move on to AUD, which my NTS expires on 6/12, so if I do not pass on this retake I will either have to move to AUD or let it expire.

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  • #2234451
    Pistol Pete

    I made a 71 twice on FAR before passing this quarter with a 82. The first two tests I wasn't getting through the material in a beneficial way. Spending too much time on areas that weren't relevant enough and also not reviewing prior material The third time around I would watch the Becker video on 1.5x then immediately go to the questions and knock them out. At the end of a chapter and sometimes randomly throughout I'd take practice tests (only mc questions) of all the chapters I had studied–Usually in 10-20 question blocks. With as much study material there it is, it is really easy to forget the early stuff if you don't stay on top of it.

    BEC - 4/26
    AUD - 75
    REG - 64, retake 5/29
    FAR - 75


    Same boat, got a 70 this round, completely blindsided by how bad my score report came out compared to my impression of what actually happened. I did progress tests in Becker at 2 chapters a test with 20 questions and cycled through until I scored 80% or better the whole week before the exam. More score report shows weaker in everything except government I was stronger which makes me think I thought the test was going well because I was hitting all those government questions quick and easy.

    I completely cleared my Becker stats and I'm starting over fresh with E-text, MCQ's, SIMS, and progress testing. April 20 is the end of the first Q2 window so that's about 7.5 of weeks of solid rework. For me the battle will be throwing my ego out and just approaching the material as if I know nothing.

    good luck, you're learning great skills now that'll help you push through the other exams. You'll get FAR the next time and plow through the rest.


    @Josh, ya I plan to pass FAR first due to the massive amounts of material. I just really hope I pass the retake so I do not have to go to AUD and then back to FAR after.
    My first time through I watched the Wiley lectures so for the restudy I think I am going to try reading the book instead. I know the score release cut off is April 20 but I feel like if I wait that long that will not leave me enough time to study for AUD, which my NTS expires on 6/12.
    For this retake I definitely plan on taking studying more seriously as well as reviewing prior to test day. Previously I did not go back to any topics and review once I finished the lesson in Wiley, except for the last week when I was just doing random Ninja MCQs.

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