How do I bounce back from a 74 on FAR?

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  • #198535

    I was trending at 85% and really needed to pass. Now I’m staring at a 74 with risk of losing credit for another section. Not to mention, I need to move on with my life. Does anyone have a dependable strategy for a FAR retake? I’m using Becker+Ninja and not sure where I went wrong.

    BEC - 74,85 Expired (12/09/14)
    AUD - 75 Expired (04/23/11)
    FAR - 74, 78
    REG - TBD

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  • #744949

    My mistake has been in not resting the day before the exam. I have had my best friend and 2 immediate family members die the week before 3 different exams. I overstudied on all 3 trying to make up for time spent at funerals, and then did bad on the exams. On the retakes, I am studying, not putting so much pressure on myself, and moving forward. Even if you lose one, you have already passed that one before. Just take it again. Not passing is not the worst thing that can happen. The funerals were definitely worse. I hope this helps your perspective.

    The adversity that I have faced is the reason for my current success. 😉

    B | 62, 78
    A | 73, 67, 79
    R | 82
    F | 59, 59, Waiting

    Ethics | 93

    "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
    ~Winston Churchill

    “In a world full of critics, be an encourager."


    I got a 74 on FAR right after an 85 and 87 on REG and AUD. Worst feeling ever. When you are so close to passing you start to wonder what one question could I have gotten right to pass!?! Don't dwell on it though; just knowing that you are THAT close to passing is helpful. Look at your score breakdown and see what you were weaker on. When you start restudying, pay attention to what subjects are bringing you down and attack them. I got weaker on non-profit and governmental stuff when I got the 74; I attacked those 2 subjects hard and when I passed and looked at my score breakdown, I had scored stronger on those 2 parts.

    The study method I used and has worked well for me is to review everything once trying to absorb as much as possible but moving through the material at a steady pace. Then, I start taking short 20 question quizzes for all chapters and see what I am getting wrong most often and hit those areas with a harder focus. Ultimately, you have a few gap areas come exam day, but you will have covered the vast majority of material and should pass so long as the exam isn't heavily weighted toward your weaker areas. Good luck, you'll get it!!


    Did you get your score breakdown report? What areas were you weak in? What I did for Auditing was going back, review over the areas I was strong in and then just completely nail down the weaker sections. I passed 2nd time.

    BEC 8/14/14 - Passed
    Graduated from college 12/13/14
    AUD 8/31/15 - 74. Retake - Passed


    CPAin14: I appreciate the advice. I scored weak on Government. Everything else was Comparable or Stronger. So, I guess I should aim for 100% perfection on government and stay sharp on everything else in the meantime. I'm also thinking that I might lean a little bit more more towards conceptual study and slightly less on repetition. Time to become a government guru and study those wrong answers!

    BEC - 74,85 Expired (12/09/14)
    AUD - 75 Expired (04/23/11)
    FAR - 74, 78
    REG - TBD


    Just take a deep breath and relax, because you know this stuff!! There is no difference between a 74 and 75. I would bust my ass and study twice as hard as the first time. If you study for a 90 on these exams, then you will get an 80. Make yourself sick of the MCQs and SIMs and you are home free. Oh yea-one more thing. TAKE THE EXAM ASAP again!!!


    I doubled down and studied like a dog for 5 months. With some luck, I went from 74 to 78. What a horrible exam!

    BEC - 74,85 Expired (12/09/14)
    AUD - 75 Expired (04/23/11)
    FAR - 74, 78
    REG - TBD

    futurePA CPA

    Congrats LA! I got a 74 on FAR when I took it in February. What made it worse was I would have been done if I had passed. I am studying again now with my test scheduled for 5/28 with BEC expiring 5/31. Any tips on how you increased your score? I am just going through the lectures and homeworks again in Becker. Hopefully enough sticks that I can get the pass this time.

    AUD-64, 84!
    FAR- 74, 82!


    Keep trying!

    FAR- 76 01/08/2016 exp 08/04/2017
    AUD- 82 04/14/2016
    BEC- May 28th


    REG- TBD

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