HELP! FAR in 4 weeks

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  • #190669

    I’ve stretched out my studying over 2 months now, and I have forgotten most most of what I learned from the beginning of the CPAexcel course. I took a practice exam and scored 57. I also have governmental/ non profit accounting left to study. I work full time too.

    Should I buy the Becker Final Review? If not, what the best way to study with CPAexcel?

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  • #629136

    Definitely don't skip Govt & NFP, that's what happened to me the first time I took FAR using CPAexcel. Do those last two annoying sections, then do all the MCQs again and you should be good. That's what I did.

    A 88, B 76, F 84, R 76 Passed 2014

    Licensed in OK


    Just chill.

    If you've studied for two months and have a month to review, you'll be fine. Nobody remembers all the BS in the beginning.


    Definitely DO NOT blow off Govt. and NFP. I'm waiting on my score right now and am 99.9% sure I failed the exam strictly because I was tested heavily on those areas and was pretty lost on them. I figured I would save them until the last 2 weeks of my studying and the info was too in depth to squeeze in along with reviewing other topics.

    I also made the mistake of stretching out my material over a long period. This is one area where I feel that the “NINJA method” kind of screwed me. I spent nearly 4 weeks just outlining and taking notes where instead I should have just read the sections and focused primarily on the MCQ's.

    4 Weeks is plenty of time. I'm losing credit on BEC unless I pass FAR in this next window. I lose credit on Feb. 2nd, so I will have about 6 weeks prior to losing credit and being thrown right into busy season. However, this time around I'm starting backwards and moving forward. Government and NPF will be 1st on my list to master, and I mean master. Then I will review everything else with a ton of MCQ's and SIMS and then I will get this done.

    Side note: Becker is overly expensive. Stick to the CPAExcel and get the Wiley Test Bank (doesn't that come with CPA Excel?, I thought it did).

    "If you're going through hell, keep going"
    - Winston Churchill

    "I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost over 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot, and missed. I've failed, over and over and over again in my life. And that is why, I succeed."
    - Michael Jordan

    BEC: (54), (72), 80 (losing credit on 02/02/15 - nervous)
    AUD: 78
    REG: (74), 91
    FAR: (71)


    I'm in the same position. I will be finishing all the remainder of the lectures tonight and have almost a full 4 weeks left to complete all the MCQ's and TBS (Jan. 3rd test). Is this enough time for anyone who has been in a similar situation?

    Every couple of days I tend to look over the Becker outlines and Ninja Notes of the sections I previously studied just to keep some material fresh in my head. However, I don't think I have been doing it as much as I could have.

    So yeah, just to sum it up, in your guys' opinion, would this be enough time? I do have christmas eve and the friday after christmas off of work, plus new years day and trying to get the day after new years off so that'll put in some full days versus only 3-4 hours after work.


    keep doing questions on previous chapters and don't skip gov't/nfp!


    Four weeks is plenty of time to get yourself refreshed. I live and breathe by the Becker final review (no doubt it was why I passed FAR).

    Definitely start with the Gvn't and NFP but you really need to get refreshed with the old stuff. Do the MCQ's for an “old” section, make notes of where you were weak (but be conscious of your time frame) then move on to the next. At then end of the second section go back and do a quick 25 progress test question bank on section 1. Then go to section 3. Once done with section 3 do a 25 question progress test bank on sections 1 and 2. Repeat.

    That should keep you shape on everything as you go along. I would then do the Becker final review the days leading up to the exam. For FAR I only allotted two days and it wasn't enough. I wish I would have had three days.

    I work full time too. I am fortunate to have a job where my boss is cool with me studying here and there but for this last time around with AUD I was consistently busy. So I just made sure I studied at least one good hour a day when I got home (usually 2-3 hours) and then I marathon on the weekends. Roughly 7 hours each day. I only had 4 weeks for AUD. And I'll let you know in about 10 hours if that technique worked or not.

    And DO NOT skip gvn't/NFP.


    Thanks everyone for the advice! I will def not skip over Gov & Non-profit. I've been told it's a huge chunk.


    Govt and NFP were easily half my exam alone…if not more

    AUD - July 2014 - 76
    REG - August 2014 - 82
    FAR - November 2014 - 78
    BEC - January 2015 - 81


    Used Becker online. Who needs a text when you can burn your eyes out staring at the screen for months on end?

    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you're hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"


    I had a bunch of IFRS questions also. They say IFRS is about 10% of your exam but I feel like it was close to 20 of my McQ.

    FAR 10/18/14... 82
    REG 11/18/14... 87
    AUD 01/06/15... 71 Grrr 5/06/2015 ... 73 Doh 7/13/15 ... 69 Ack 11/18/15 ... 86!!!
    BEC 02/07/15... 79


    ^^ this

    AUD - July 2014 - 76
    REG - August 2014 - 82
    FAR - November 2014 - 78
    BEC - January 2015 - 81


    Used Becker online. Who needs a text when you can burn your eyes out staring at the screen for months on end?

    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you're hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"

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