HELP!! FAR Exam Shut 3 times during exam

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  • #1868005

    While taking my very first CPA Exam today (FAR) at Prometric I experienced very significant technical issues. 20 minutes in the exam I got an error message saying “AICPA Driver failed please reboot” this then required prometric to contact technical support and try to get the issues resolved. They removed me from the testing room and had me wait 30 minutes while they tried to resolve this issue. Long story short this happened 2 more times during the entire exam. Requiring me to get up and leave mid question for them to solve the issue and waiting a total of over 50 minutes. Has anyone had this happen? What should i do??? This really interrupted my thought process and overall flustered me so much while taking my very first exam. The MCQs seem like a blur because i was so freaked out… I think i did pretty well on the SIMS though despite these issues. Just wondering if anyone has some advice on if i should contact the NASBA???

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  • #1868014

    That sounds rough, I've never had that happen to me ever. Did they pause the timer for you?


    It happened me during my FAR retake but only one time, not three times though. However that was blessing for me as it happened during the end of my time and gave me needed break. It was during time when there was no break time for exam and that shut down was good for me. As for what will happen, nothing will happen as testing center will notify AICPA and is kind of normal as i heard several candidates having same issues.

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