HELP! Failed FAR twice!

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  • #199235

    Hi Ninjas,

    I am writing to share your Ninja insights because I feel completely lost!

    I took FAR last year and failed with a 74… I waited almost a year (…) and took it again in November.

    I just found out that I failed with a 66… I work full time but I studied for my retake for over 60 hours using the Becker book, and the Wiley test bank only… (I used the Ninja MCqs on my first attempt last year)

    I passed REG already but my score expires in 4 months, which means that I have 4 months to retake FAR, take Audit and take BEC!

    This is my plan of attack 1:

    -Focus on Audit and take the test in a month

    -Go back to FAR using the Wiley test bank and the Ninja MCQs/SIMs and retake FAR in February

    -Take Bec in April

    Plan of attack 2:

    -Go back to the Wiley test bank and the ninja MCQs/SIMS NOW and retake Far in a month

    -Take Audit in February and take Bec in April

    I don’t know if I should go back to FAR right away and retake asap or pause and hammer Audit now…

    Thank you so much for your precious guidance!!

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  • #753124

    Did you already start studying for AUD?

    Both of those options sound really painful. As much as it sucks and probably isn't the answer you want, if it were me, I might consider letting REG expire. While I'm sure there are people who do it, CRAMMING those other 3 sections in at the last minute sounds stressful and unnecessary. Plus what happens if you fail all three? Or you fail one? There's always the argument of “well at least I tried” – but failing under any condition/preparation is a blow. I'd much rather take my time, learn the information, and go into each test feeling prepared rather than rushing through it, crossing my fingers, and winging it.

    However, if you insist on torturing yourself…I suppose I'd go with PoA #2, unless you already started studying AUD and feel like you have a good handle on it.


    I think your problem is your 60 hours of studying. Conventional wisdom is 120-200 hours for FAR, even for a retake, especially for a retake a year later.You may be able to pull it off with slightly less than that, but most people will tell you 60 total isn't close to enough study time. Also if you've got a track record of failing, taking two in the same window is likely too ambitious. I only succeeded when I stopped trying to rush through them after several fails.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    I think it's possible to knock FAR/AUD/BEC out in 4 months, but it requires Dedication with a capital D. Here's how I would lay it out, assuming that your REG credit expires on the last day of April:

    December 29 – February 12: Study for FAR. 25 hours per week minimum.
    February 13: Sit for FAR.
    February 14 – March 31: Study for AUD. 25 hours per week minimum.
    April 1: Sit for AUD.
    April 1 – April 29: Study for BEC. 30 hours per week minimum to make up for the shortened time.
    April 30: Sit for BEC.

    Study time only includes active learning – taking notes from books/copying notes and doing MCQs. Watching videos/listening to audio doesn't count. If passing is important to you, you'll make time to study.

    Licensed CPA
    Passed each section on the first try with Ninja Notes/MCQ/Audio


    Hmmm a 74 and a 66 the second time. Thats a tough one. I was unemployed and I was stuck studying and only fitting 2 tests in each window on a proposed 6 mo study plan. Usually w/ FAR the recommendation is about 180 to 200 hours, but some get away w/ less and most end up doing more than that. What's your trending score? Unless you are doing 75% of the questions which is prob something like a 1,000, then I would break up the tests possibly one for each testing window. Also don't take AUD too lightly (I saw you only left a month to study for AUD) b/c AUD historically matches the passing rate of FAR, sometimes lower.


    I think for the individual sections quality spent study time has a direct correlation to the score you receive.

    For FAR I ended up studying about 150-200 hours due to the length of material to cover, whereas BEC, REG, and AUD I spent considerably less time ranging from 75-150 hours.

    Whatever you decide, make sure you do yourself a favor and give yourself enough quality studying hours.

    F | 88 (7/15)
    B | 91 (8/15)
    R | 82 (10/15)
    A | 75 (11/15)
    Licensed WA State (1/16)


    I'd take audit, which you can cram for. then spend a month or however long you need on BEC, which will have a good amount of overlap from audit. Then since March is a blackout month anyway, from the second you finish bec till test day, FAR FAR FAR! You know you'll have to go hard on FAR, so I feel like if you take it first, you may burn yourself out for the others. Knock out the easier ones and then know the beast awaits you DO OR DIE (well…just fail, which is probably worse than death anyway)

    AUD: 98
    REG: 91
    BEC: 86
    FAR: 83

    DONE DONE DONE and DONE all on the first try! It IS possible, just keep on studying!


    I worked what would be considered more than full time and put in over 150 hours for FAR. FAR is easily the most time consuming and should be passed before moving onto other topics. This is a test of obedience. Put in the hours and you'll pass.

    FAR - 90 ✔
    BEC - 86 ✔
    REG - 82 ✔
    AUD - 92 ✔
    ETHICS - Passed

    *Licensed CPA


    Thank you so much for all your precious advice, guys! @wombataholic, I have made a final plan similar to the one you suggested. I am going to put 200% of my efforts to pass FAR and move on to the other exams. Thanks again!


    If I plan to take my first exam in May 2016 when should I send my examination application? I am thinking of starting with FAR first. How much time should I study for each exams? Besides Ninja notes/mcq/audio what other material would be good? Any suggestions/tips will be appreciated!!!

    FAR - August 2016
    AUD - September 2016
    REG - October 2016
    BEC - November 2016

    Remember: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Albert Einstein

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